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As respected style, he spoke far better than he wrote. Every sentence which dropped from his lips was as correct in structure as the most nicely balanced period of The Rambler. But in his talk there were no pompous triads, and little more than a fair proportion of words in osity and ation. All was simplicity, ease, and vigor.

Their meeting must have occasioned a copious effusion of those "long-tailed words in osity and ation" which both had so readily at command or made to order. A man of character so lofty and self-contained might be expected to leave a life so long, honorable, and beneficent with becoming dignity.

But he had paused, forgetting, in his excitement, the use of his weapon, and before he had bethought himself that the man was still in his power, he heard the sound of the bell. "D ation!" he exclaimed. Then he turned round, left the room, hurried down the stairs, and made his way out into the street, having again passed the girl on his way.

1 2 3 4 + + + + + + | Tramps | Exploiters | All those | All those | | | Beggars | of Labour | engaged in | engaged in | | | Society | Thieves | unnecessary | necessary | U | | People | Swindlers | work | work the | N | | Aristoc- | Pickpockets | | production | E | | racy | Burglars | | of the | M | | Great | Bishops | | benefits | P | | Landowners | Financiers | | of | L | | All those | Capitalists | | civiliz- | O | | possessed | Share- | | ation | Y | | of | holders | | | E | | hereditary | Ministers | | | D | | wealth | of religion | | | | + + + + + +

tee of the American Prison Association, empowered to investi- gate the problem of political prisoners for America, he made a report at the annual meeting of the American Prison Associ- ation in New York, October, 1919, entitled "The Political Of fenders and their Status in Prison" in which he says: "The political offender . . . must be measured by a different rule, and . . . is a creature of extraordinary and temporary conditions . . . .

"D ation!" exclaimed the murderer. But he did not pull the trigger again. Though the weapon had of late been so often in his hands, he forgot, in the agitation of the moment, that his missing once was but of small matter if he chose to go on with his purpose. Were there not five other barrels for him, each making itself ready by the discharge of the other?

But this dream of a future restoration was in no wise ennobled, as far as we can see, with any desire for a moral restoration. They believed that a person would appear some day or other to deliver them. Even they were happily preserved by their sacred books from the notion that deliverance was to be found for them, or for any man, in an abstraction or notion ending in -ation or -ality.

"I'm in despair at not being able to oblige you this fine morning." "Some other time," replied Sir Hugh with a grim smile; "d ation," he added, "Ned's down!" Sure enough Cousin Edward was on the grass, striving in vain to raise himself, and gasping out that he "wasn't the least hurt."

"Long-tailed words in osity and ation!" What does that describe? Exactly the Latin part of our language. Now, these words, these "dictionary" words, what are they? Simply words of Latin or Greek origin: no other words, no Saxon words, are ever called by illiterate persons dictionary words.

Linda made a little attempt to smile, and felt somewhat glad in her heart that her uncle was a man who could indulge in a joke. He was then taken upstairs to his bedroom, and here he greatly frightened Katie, and much scandalized the parlour-maid by declaring, immediately on his entering the room, that it was 'd hot, d -ation hot; craving your pardon, ladies!