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I KNEW the smash would come." We carried the Blastoderm across, in the pouring rain, to his quarters, and the Doctor gave him bromide of potassium to make him sleep. Then the Doctor came back to us and told us that aphasia was like all the arrears of "Punjab Head" falling in a lump; and that only once before in the case of a sepoy had he met with so complete a case.

'Although, in a measure, my physical health returned, for months after I had left the roof of my hospitable hosts, I was in a state of semi-imbecility. I suffered from a species of aphasia. For days together I was speechless, and could remember nothing, not even my own name.

But his speech seemed to freeze in him, and just as the lightning shot two tongues that cut the whole sky into three pieces and the rain fell in quivering sheets the Blastoderm was struck dumb. He stood pawing and champing like a hard-held horse, and his eyes were full of terror. The Doctor came over in three minutes, and heard the story. "It's aphasia," he said. "Take him to his room.

People are often their own Gradgrinds, interrupting themselves in the midst of a narration to correct some trivial mistake which has no bearing one way or the other on what they are saying. Many otherwise good talkers are at times afflicted with aphasia and lose the simplest and most familiar word at just the crucial moment the very word which is necessary to the point they wish to make.

Jackson mentions a hemiplegic patient with aphasia who could only utter the words "come on to me," "come on," and "yes" and "no." Bristowe cites the history of a sailor of thirty-six, a patient of St. Thomas Hospital, London, who suffered from aphasia for nine months.

THOUGHT STUTTERING: This is an advanced form of stuttering which is also known as Aphasia and which is caused by the inability of the sufferer to recall the mental images necessary to the formation of a word. Stuttering in its simpler forms is usually connected with the period of childhood, while aphasia is often connected with old age or injury.

And occasionally after Benham had been talking for a long time there would be an occasional aphasia, such as is often apparent in the speech of men who restrain themselves from betraying a preoccupation.

"What I told you in the court, Bobby," the doctor answered, "much the same symptoms as genuine aphasia. Your brain was unquestionably dulled by an overdose on top of all that alcohol, while your mechanical reflexes were stimulated. Automatically you followed your ruling impulse.

He has a keen sense of the significance of psychiatric knowledge in a proper understanding of the various results of trauma, and lays special stress upon the breadth of the psychiatric field, under which he properly enough includes the various so-called psychoneuroses as well as epilepsy, tics and aphasia.

"My son," he finally whispered, "my days are drawing very fast to a close. The shock I experienced at Christ Church prepared me to believe I would die in some attack of paralysis. A slight aphasia occurred this morning. It, too, as suddenly disappeared. But these warnings cannot be neglected.