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"I'll follow you that far, but you must show me in this room the sharp object with which these men were attacked, no matter what the force behind it." The doctor spread his hands. His infused eyes nearly closed. "That I can't do. At any rate, Robert, this isn't wholly tragic to you. I don't see how any one could accuse you of aphasia to-night."

A large majority of persons have the speech zone in the left hemisphere, and are right-handed; it will be seen that the figure shows the left hemisphere of the brain, and with it the right hand holding the pen. Defects of Speech Aphasia. The sorts of injury which may befall a large zone of the brain are so many that well-nigh endless forms of speech defect occur.

Concrete images result from a persistence of perceptions and draw from the latter all their validity; symbolic images result from a mental synthesis, from an association of perception and image, or of image and image. If they have not the same origin, no more do they disappear in the same way, as is proven by very numerous examples of aphasia.

We urge that the ghost cannot, as it were, express himself as plainly as he would like to do, that he suffers from aphasia. Now he shows as a black dog, now as a green lady, now as an old man, and often he can only rap and knock, or display a light, or tug the bed-clothes. Thus the Rev.

Aphasia is a disease of the faculty of language, that is, a disturbance of the processes by which we see, hear, and at the same time appreciate the meaning of symbols. It includes also the faculty of expressing our ideas to others by means of the voice, gesture, writing, etc. The trouble may be central or in the conducting media. The varieties of aphasia are: Amnesia of speech.

Why, then, has no craniologist told us that the monkey’s brain lacks precisely those tracts which are concerned with speech or with aphasia? I ask again, Can the eye see, the ear hear? Try it on the body under dissection, or try it yourself in your sleep. Without a subject there is no object in the world, without understanding there is nothing to understand, without mind no matter.

In memory itself I was forced to determine bounds which I had afterwards to narrow considerably. After confining myself to the recollection of words I saw that the problem, as stated, was still too broad, and that, to put the question in its most precise and interesting form, I should have to substitute the recollection of the sound of words. The literature on aphasia is enormous.

"Well," I replied, "of course there's a lot of talk now in the papers about aphasia and amnesia and all that stuff. But, you know, we reporters are a sceptical lot. We have to be shown. I can't say we put much faith in THAT." "But what is your explanation? You fellows always have an opinion. Sometimes I think the newspapermen are our best detectives."

In the main cases of Aphasia of distinct sensory and motor types psychological analysis is now so adequate and the anatomical localization so far advanced that the physicians have sufficient basis for their diagnosis, and make inferences looking toward treatment.

Geoffrey Young, the Daily News and Leader correspondent, "suffer from a curious aphasia, some get dazed and speechless, some deafened"; but of course their recovery is fairly rapid, and the German "Black Marias" soon exhaust their terrors.