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The others are Little John and Will Stutely and Will Scarlet and Allan-a-Dale all famous in the North Countree for their deeds of violence." "As my lord Bishop personally knows!" added the Queen significantly. The King's brows grew dark. The name of Robin Hood was well known to him, as to every man there present. "Is this true?" he demanded sternly. "Aye, my lord," responded the Queen demurely.

"It is false," said the Friar, hastily, "he never spoke a word." "So ho! Friar Tuck," said the Minstrel, drawing him apart from the rustics; "we have started a new hare, I find." "I tell thee, Allan-a-Dale," said the Hermit, "I saw Athelstane of Coningsburgh as much as bodily eyes ever saw a living man.

"He's not a range horse," she explained, "not a westerner, as they sometimes describe horses that are out of a drove. This colt doesn't need to be broken. He was sired by our Allan-a-Dale, a registered saddle horse; his mother is Janie, that I used to ride barebacked and without a bridle. He was her last colt and will be three years old this month."

One Adelgitha, the daughter of the Thane of Allan-a-dale there were Thanes in those days, you know was betrothed to the eldest son of Sir Waldemar de Ballyporeen. This gives me an opportunity of bringing in a succinct little account of the Conquest, which will be beneficial to the lower classes. The editor peremptorily insists upon that kind of thing. 'Omne tulit punctum, said Norman.

"Which one of you is Allan-a-Dale?" he asked; and Allan came forward. "So," said the King with sober face, "you are that errant minstrel who stole a bride at Plympton, despite her would-be groom and attending Bishop. I heard something of this in former days. Now what excuse have you to make?"

"With how many?" demanded the leader, for such he seemed to be. "With six men, and good hope of booty, if it please St Nicholas." "Devoutly spoken," said Locksley; "and where is Allan-a-Dale?" "Walked up towards the Watling-street, to watch for the Prior of Jorvaulx." "That is well thought on also," replied the Captain; "and where is the Friar?" "In his cell." "Thither will I go," said Locksley.

'Why, the name is long enough; it's the longest part about it. The editor gave me the name, you know, and then I had to write the story. It's to be called "Sir Anthony Allan-a-dale and the Baron of Ballyporeen." 'Oh! two rival knights in love with the same lady, of course, and Harry gave a gentle sigh as he thought of his own still unhealed grief. 'The scene is laid in Ireland, I presume?

"Then you, if any one, can aid me!" said Allan-a-Dale eagerly. "Where is this wedding to take place, and when?" asked Robin. "At Plympton Church, scarce five miles from here; and at three o' the afternoon."

"What is your name?" then said Robin Hood. "By the faith of my body," replied the young man, "my name is Allan-a-Dale." "What will you give me, Allan-a-Dale," said Robin Hood, "in ready gold or fee, to help you to your true love again, and deliver her back unto you?" "I have no money, save only five shillings," quoth Allan; "but are you not Robin Hood?" Robin nodded.

By this time they were come to the grove before the cave, and Robin presented Maid Marian to the band, who treated her with the greatest respect. Will Scarlet was especially delighted to greet again his old time friend, while Allan-a-Dale and his good wife bustled about to make her welcome in their tiny thatched cottage.