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We want nae ten-hours bills what richt hae parliaments to dictate to huz, an' keep huz frae sellin' a' we hae to sell, oor time an' oor labour? We want to be let alane to mind oor ain business, an no to be treated as if we was bairns that didna ken what was for their gude.

I hae seen them cringe!... It is the auld laird, Gilian?" "No, Grandfather. You remember that the old laird was William. This is Mr. Alexander." "He that was always aff somewhere alane?" White Farm drew his mind together. "I see now! You're right. I remember." "I am coming to White Farm to-morrow, Mr. Barrow." "Come then.... Is Grierson slain?" "He's away in past time," said Gilian.

I ken fine a' ye say is true, but he's yir faither for a' that. An' he loves ye maist as weel as me; but oh, my bonnie, there's nane loves ye like yir mither! His hairt's fair broken for ye, Robin. I'll tell ye something, but ye maunna tell yir faither. I heard him pray for ye all alane by himsel'. He prayed to God to bring ye back he ca'd ye Robin richt to God.

"Ye canna be the same again, for a' coont, gin ony man loves a wumman wi' a leal hert, whether she answer or no, or whether she even kens, he 's been the gainer, an' the harvest will be his for ever. "It hes seemed to me that nae luve is proved an' crooned for eternity onless the man hes forgotten himsel' an' is willin' tae live alane gin the wumman he luves sees prosperity.

'Shall I not be grand in a conservatory? cried the ambitious Flower. 'I would rather "Adorn the rustic stibble-field, Unseen, alane," murmured meek Daisy. 'Ah, you have no ambition! sneered the other; 'besides, "the rustic stibble-field" is your proper sphere it is not mine! 'Pride, pride! rebuked Honeysuckle, gazing sorrowfully down upon the arrogant little speaker.

'Heaven Almighty forbid that Epps Ainslie should gie ony sick gentleman cauld well-water, and him in a fever. Na, na, hinnie, let me alane, I'll do better for ye than the like of that. 'Give me what you will, I replied; 'let it but be liquid and cool.

The conductor, thinking him out of his mind, said more mildly: "Who came with you? Who is looking after you aboard the cars?" "Oh! a nice young chiel yonder; but he left me alane there, so I stepped oot withoot his kennin' an' popped in here." "Ah, yes; just so. I've no doubt there is a spare room in one of the public institutions awaiting you. What sort of a looking man has you in charge?"

After both sides were sore and weary, a strong-lunged warrior would be heard above the din of battle shouting, "I'll tell ye what we'll dae wi' ye. If ye'll let us alane we'll let ye alane!" and the school war ended as most wars between nations do; and some of them begin in much the same way.

The room is e'en clear o' Sir Paitrick, and the leddy's alane, and waitin' for ye." In a moment more Arnold was back in the sitting-room. "Well?" he asked, anxiously. "What is it? Bad news from Lady Lundie's?" Anne closed and directed the letter to Blanche, which she had just completed. "No," she replied. "Nothing to interest you." "What did Sir Patrick want?" "Only to warn me.