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Updated: January 16, 2025
He released his boots' mag-field and pushed off toward the light, waiting until he was perhaps five meters off the hull before activating his thrustpac. When he'd gone roughly a kilometer a diameter out from the Lindner a soft Traiti voice told him to cut power. He did, and the pressure at the small of his back died. "You have control."
Each of these many brain patterns in turn activates that part of the body through which lies the path of its own adaptive response those parts including the special energizing or activating organs. All these are adaptations to increase the motor efficiency of the mechanism.
And here's something else very interesting that's going on at present." "What's that?" "The real hush-hush reason for Mantelish's expedition," Trigger explained, "is, of course, to scout around this whole area of space with planetary plasmoid detectors. They don't want anybody stumbling on another setup like Harvest Moon and accidentally activating another king plasmoid." "Yes," Pilch said.
When the Hermnaen out-transitioned, it was a cautious hundred and fifty thousand kilometers from Terra, and Tarlac was satisfied that he'd briefed the three who would accompany him to the Palace as well as he could without actually telling them what to do. He was in the control central again, at the communications console. Activating the screen, he tuned to the Imperial guard channel.
Avidly he fastened onto it, merged with it ... and found himself inside the brain of one of those Simonidean pigeons. Ah! This is wonderful! Pigeons seldom fly alone. Where you find one you almost always find a number. Activating the bird's brain he sent out a call to others of its kind that it had found food in abundance.
Then, after checking the window-shielding and activating the outside viewscreens, he lit a cheroot and sat down at the desk, his goblet and his needler in front of him, to wait until the servants were gone. There was only one way out alive. He knew that, and yet he needed brandy, and a great deal of mental effort, to steel himself for it. Psycho-rehabilitation was a dreadful thing to face.
In the springtime most birds and mammals mate, and in the springtime at least one of the great activating glands is enlarged the thyroid in man and in animals shows seasonal enlargement. The effect of the increased activity is seen in the song, the courting, the fighting, in the quickened pulse, and in a slightly raised temperature.
If the activities are consummated, the fuel glycogen and the activating secretions from the thyroid, the adrenals, the hypophysis are consumed. In the activation without action, these products must be eliminated as waste products and so a heavy strain is put upon the organs of elimination.
His Talent was unmistakable his potential Talent, she corrected herself; he might not be able to learn its use. She could at least try activating his latent telepathic ability. That might be somewhat delicate, given his humanity, but with such clear patterns, it should not be particularly difficult.
For so many generations, even centuries, the aliens had been confined, or had confined themselves, safely overseas on the western continent. Perhaps if now they were faced by some new catastrophe, they would never attempt to come east again. He had visions of discovering and activating some trap set to protect their treasures which could be turned against them.
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