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He rejected the thought; yet he acknowledged that it was nevertheless passing strange that, just where the old single- arched bridge takes a long stride over the Grannoch lane, there was now a great black pot a-swing above a blinking pale fire of peats and fir-branches, and a couple of great tubs set close together on stones which he had not seen before.

We crossed the river at London Bridge, a dark horror of moving waters swirling here and there in the ineffectual beam of lamp or lanthorn; on past gloomy streets and narrow courts where dim forms jostled, and ever and always the blusterous wind rioting 'twixt heaven and earth, booming in chimneys, moaning in dark corners, rattling windows, clapping-to crazy shutters and setting signboards a-swing on scolding hinges.

Down swayed the branch, low and lower, until Beltane's mailed foot, a-swing in mid air, found something beneath slipped away found it again, and thereupon, loosing the branch, down he came upon the ruined mill-wheel.

After him, in double file, marched his regiment of Greens; then came more Indians Owagas, I think then that shameless villain, McDonald, in bonnet and tartan, and the heavy claymore a-swing on his saddle-bow, and his blue-eyed Indians swarming in the rear. Lord, what a crew!

As he came out of the birches of the glen among which the path played hide and seek, he saw the climbing roses and red tropeolum mounting almost to the roof, the full dusky green of the hops twining to the chimney tops and setting a-swing questing tendrils from every balcony.

He and Bolles heard them enter the next room, always without much noise or talk the loudest sound was the jug when they set it on the floor. Then they seemed to sit, talking little. "Bolles," said Drake, "the sun has set. If you want to take after Sam " But the door of the sitting-room opened and the Chinaman himself came in. He left the door a-swing and spoke clearly.

What people don't see they don't want to buy even when it's covered up stylish." The little company was well on its way by now though Gwendolyn could not recall the moment of starting. The Piper had not waited to be invited, but strolled along with the others, his birch-stemmed tobacco-pipe in a corner of his mouth, his hands in his pockets, and the pig-poke a-swing at his elbow.

Yesterday were we heroes, to-day must we be gods yet cautious gods, for, mark me, I have but twelve shafts remaining, and with twelve shafts can but promise ye a poor twelve lives." But now came Roger wistful-eyed, and with belt a-swing in his hand. "Master," quoth he, "last night did we four rescue twelve.

Oft trolling some merry stave or turning with some quip or jape upon his tongue, but with eyes quick to mark the rhythmic swing of broad, mail-clad shoulders, eyes critical, yet eyes of pride. Who so grimly eager as mighty Walkyn, his heavy axe lightly a-swing, his long legs schooling themselves to his comrade's slower time and pace?