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"Down under the Combe at Duncton is a very good inn. Have you money to pay? Will you take some of my money?" "I will take all you can possibly afford me," he answered in a cheerful, manly fashion. I counted out my money and found I had on me but 3s.7d. "Here is 3s. 7d.," I said. "I wish," I said with regret, "we might meet and talk more often of many things.

A scrap of paper was brought out covered with Arabic writing, items of the day's expenditure, which read more or less as follows: Chicken 7d. Milk 1d. Four eggs 2½d. Mutton 6d. Apples 2d. Vegetables 2d. Bread three times a week 4½d. Butter twice a week 9½d. Charcoal for cooking purposes, and oil for lamps, added three shillings to our moderate weekly expenditure.

These two donations, with what little is in hand besides, supply our need for this day. Oct. 31. Saturday. There was no money in hand, My mind was particularly stirred up to open the box in my house. I did so, and found 1l. 10s. 7d. in it. The boxes in the Orphan-Houses were likewise opened, in which was found 8s. Also a brother from Tetbury gave 2s. 6d. Thus the need of today was supplied.

Yesterday our prayer, in our meeting at twelve o’clock, was especially for the supply of today. I was fully assured that the Lord would send help, as now all our stores were again exhausted. Accordingly, last evening a sister, into whose hands some of the articles, which came in the second box from Leeds, had been put for sale, gave me 1l. 3s. 7d., being the payment for some of them.

The prices paid for planting, clearing ground, etc. is as follows, according to the regulations specified in the general orders: For felling forest timber, 10s. per acre; for burning off ditto, 25s. per acre; for breaking up new ground, 24s. per acre; for breaking up stubble or corn land, 13s. 4d. per acre; for chipping in wheat, 6s. 8d. per acre; for reaping ditto, 8s. per acre; for threshing ditto, 7d. per bushel; for planting maize, 6s. 8d. per acre; for hilling ditto, 6s. 8d. per acre; and for pulling and husking ditto, 5d. per bushel.

Travers & Sanborn, Tailors, Account rendered: L54 35s. 7d." "Are there many of these, Gustav?" Fiorsen had turned the peculiar white that marked deep injury to his sell-esteem. He said violently: "Well, what of that? A bill! Did you pay it? You have no business to pay my bills." "The man said if it wasn't paid this time, he'd sue you." Her lips quivered. "I think owing money is horrible.

The total of the income for the orphans, from Dec. 9, 1836, to Dec. 9, 1838, has amounted to £1,341, 4s. 7d.; the total of the expenses to £1,664, 4s. 0¾d. There was two years ago a balance of £373, 4s. 8¼d. in hand, and now the balance is £50, 5s. 3d. Dec. 16. There was a paper anonymously put into the box at Bethesda Chapel containing four pounds ten shillings.

It is stated in a report of the Commissioners appointed in 1832 to inquire concerning the employment of women and children in factories, that 'in the cotton-mill of Messrs Houldsworth, in Glasgow, a spinner employed on a mule of 336 spindles, and spinning cotton 120 hanks to the pound, produced in 1823, working 74-1/2 hours a week, 46 pounds of yarn, his net weekly wages for which amounted to 27s. 7d.

The Army Estimates do not give the cost of a private soldier, but the statement is made that the average annual cost per head of 150,000 warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, and men is £63, 6s. 7d.

Thou hast undone mee. Tho. If you doe not like the pennyworths tis but the charges of my selfe and a horse agen to London. I will lose but the three odd pounds 19s and 7d: it may be you doe not understand these Authors: when the Captaine comes he will expound 'em to you. Un. What a Coxcombe have I to my man! but I dare not be angry with him. Well, carry 'em into my study, Thomas. Tho.