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The expenditures were $13,606,759.11, showing a decrease of more than 8 per cent as compared with those of the previous year and leaving an excess of expenditure over the revenue for the last fiscal year of $4,557,462.71.

Spoken by Hindi 85,675,373 Malayalam 5,428,250 Bengali 41,343,762 Masalmani 3,669,390 Telugu 19,885,137 Sindhi 2,592,341 Marathi 18,892,875 Santhal 1,709,680 Punjabi 17,724,610 Western Pahari 1,523,098 Tamil 15,229,759 Assamese 1,435,820 Gujarathi 10,619,789 Gond 1,379,580 Kanarese 9,751,885 Central Pahari 1,153,384 Uriya 9,010,957 Marwadi 1,147,480 Burmese 5,926,864 Pashtu 1,080,931

The Saracens, notwithstanding this severe blow, continued to hold their ground in the south of France; but Pepin, the son of Charles Martel, who succeeded to his father's power, and assumed the title of king, successively took from them the strong places they held; and in 759, by the capture of Narbonne, their capital, extinguished the remains of their power in France.

Ep. 102. p. 784. Dec. 20, 1630. Ep. 50. p. 759, 769. V. Though the Prince of Orange had taken care to leave none in place but such as were entirely devoted to him, and consequently declared enemies of the Remonstrants, Grotius still preserved many faithful friends who ardently desired his return.

J, Ellen Foster, had planned, pleaded and petitioned against the licensed system of that state. On the 27th June, 1882, the people adopted the constitutional prohibition amendment by a majority of 29,759, the Supreme Court however declared that on account of some irregularity in the legislative steps of the passage of the amendment, it was of no effect and void.

In the month of July, 759, "Duke Waifre was slain by his own folk, by the King's advice," says Frédégaire; and the conquest of all Southern Gaul carried the extent and power of the Gallo-Frankish monarchy farther and higher than it had ever yet been, even under Clovis.

Probably at his instigation the synod ordained that the Lord's Prayer and the Creed should be taught in the vulgar tongue; he was the first archbishop buried in the cathedral. He was succeeded by #Bregwin#, who held the see from 759 to 765. He was an exception among the series of English primates, being of German origin.

Germany's exports reached their maximum in 1913, when the figures touched 10,097 millions of marks, excluding precious metals. Grouping exports and imports in categories, the millions of marks were distributed as follows: Imports. Exports. Foodstuffs 2,759 1,035 Live animals 289 7.4 Raw materials 5,003 1,518 Semi-manufactured goods 5,003 1,139 Manufactured goods 1,478 6,395

759. Sur la droite ou au couchant de ces rochers, on voit une montagne calcaire étonnante dans ce genre par la hardiesse avec laquelle elle élève contre le ciel ses cimes aigues et tranchantes, taillées

Thurloe, vol. vii. p. 1. In order to judge of the maxims by which he conducted his foreign politics see, further, Thurloe, vol. iv. p. 295, 343, 443; vol. vii. p. 174. * Thurloe, vol. i. p. 759. * Thurloe, vol. i. p. 759. Thurloe, vol. i. p. 759. * Thurloe, vol. i. p. 759.