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Johnson, writing of 'the chapel of the alienated college, says: 'I was always by some civil excuse hindered from entering it. Works, ix. 4. George Marline's Reliquiae divi Andreae was published in 1797. See ante, ii. 171, and iv. 75. Mr. Chambers says that Knox was buried in a place which soon after became, and ever since has been, a high-way; namely, the old church-yard of St.

For the order carried with it, for the representative of the firm, Herr Forster, the permanent right of access to all naval arsenals of Italy. L'Invasione tedesca in Italia, p. 171.

The sphere of the man's life encompasses him more densely on the breast, but lightly on the back, 171, 224. See Back. BRETHREN. The Lord calls those brethren and sisters who are of his church, 120. BRIDE. The church in the Word is called the bride and wife, 117. Clothing of a bride in heaven, 20. BRIDEGROOM. The Lord in the Word is called the bridegroom and husband, 117.

168 That which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or the soul of the world knocking at my heart for its entrance? 169 Thought feeds itself with its own words and grows. 170 I have dipped the vessel of my heart into this silent hour; it has filled with love. 171 Either you have work or you have not. When you have to say, "Let us do something," then begins mischief.

Agricultural research appropriations have increased by 171 percent since 1953. Farmers are being saved approximately $80 million a year by the repeal in 1956 of Federal taxes on gasoline used in tractors and other machinery. Since 1953, appropriations have been doubled for county agents, home agents and the Extension Service.

In large enclosures, the white-tailed deer is hardy and prolific, and when fairly cooked its flesh is a great delicacy. In Vermont the average weights of the deer killed in that state in various years have been as follow: in 1902, 171 lbs.; in 1903, 190 lbs.; in 1905, 198 lbs.; in 1906, 200 lbs.; in 1907, 196 lbs.; in 1908, 207 lbs.; and in 1909, 155 lbs.

Between 1850 and 1860, the wealth of the nation swelled 120 per cent., the value of its farms 103 per cent., its total manufacturing product 87 per cent., its manufactured export 171 per cent., its railroad mileage 220 per cent. Making all due allowance for the rise of prices during the period, this is still a remarkable exhibit. The great West continued to come under the hand of civilization.

These figures are so enormous that you cannot really grasp them. But imagine yourself in an express train, travelling at the tremendous rate of sixty miles an hour and never stopping. At that rate, if you wished to arrive at the sun today you would have been obliged to start 171 years ago.

Hist. vol. viii, p. 132. * State Trials, vol. v. first edit. p. 171. Sir Edward Coke's Reports, twelfth report, p. 18. our ancestors were, to depend upon his prudence and discretion in the exercise of them.

The last short sentence about the "low estimate" was not quoted by Sir Robert, although it immediately follows the previous one in the portion of the communication given in the Memoirs. Part 3, page 171. Memoirs, part 3, page 143. The remedies which Dean Hoare said the people were "slow" to adopt, were proved to be worthless, and in some instances even pernicious. The steward on Mr.