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The sisters at the hospital sent for the priest because the boy brought there wore a scapular and they knew he must be a Catholic. Aside from that nothing was known about him. Father Xavier's heart stood still. Something told him that his boy had been one of those three. Two drowned, one saved! Which, oh, which was the one saved?

A few were cadets of the old Eurasian houses that have taken strong root in Dhurrumtollah Pereiras, De Souzas, and D'Silvas. Their parents could well have educated them in England, but they loved the school that had served their own youth, and generation followed sallow-hued generation at St Xavier's.

The form of the goddess was modelled from his remembrance of the Greek antique. It was a gem worthy of an emperor. What should he do with it? As the spring ripened into summer, ambitious thoughts flowered in Père Francis Xavier's soul. What a grand bishopric this whole western country would make with its unexplored wealth of mines, and furs, and forest!

I will see you through safely, and we will not spare the tafia either." And he began to sing a song of Xavier's own: "'Marianson, dame jolie, Ou est alle votre mari?" "Ah, toujours les dames!" said Xavier. "But I tell you, Michie, le diable, he is at ze bottom of ze Grand Gulf and his mouth open so." And he suited the action to the word.

But how powerful soever the example of princes is usually in matters of religion, yet on all sides Christianity was embraced; and an action of Xavier's companion did not a little contribute to the gaining over of the most stubborn.

Father Xavier's reports showed the mission to be in a flourishing condition. The first struggles of the pioneer were over. Father Xavier must not be left in too luxurious a position. The Chevalier La Salle was now fitting out his little band designed to explore the lakes and follow the Mississippi from its source to the Gulf.

Nature's titanic and fanciful frescoing and cameo-cutting had strongly wrought upon her impressionable mind, and the old legends and superstitions of paganism had been by no means effaced by the very slight veneer of Christianity which she had received at the mission. From this evening Father Xavier's manner toward her changed.

I resorted to all manner of subterfuges to escape the Bengal Academy. Then they tried putting me at St. Xavier's. But the result was no better. My elder brothers, after a few spasmodic efforts, gave up all hopes of me they even ceased to scold me. One day my eldest sister said: "We had all hoped Rabi would grow up to be a man, but he has disappointed us the worst."

This power-propelled grindstone type we had at St. Xavier's. Yet, as I say, I possess a memory which elevates my impression of the teachers there to an ideal plane. This is the memory of Father DePeneranda. He had very little to do with us if I remember right he had only for a while taken the place of one of the masters of our class.

"You laugh, Michie," he said to Nick, a little resentfully. "I who speak to you say that there is four foot on each side of ze bateau. Too much tafia, a little too much excite " and he made a gesture with his hand expressive of total destruction; "ze tornado, I would sooner have him " "Bah!" said Nick, stroking Xavier's black beard, "give me the tiller.