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Or when he's very obstinately set on an objectionable course, it's a good plan to say sweetly, 'I'll do just as you like, dear. He invariably comes back with an emphatic, 'No we'll do as you like." "I relinquish all claims to be called a reasonable being," said Mr. Lenox with a wry face.

And so we are, in spite of Nature's wry face and shiver at a mention of what we went through during those days, those horrible days: hide them! The smothering of them from sight set them sounding he had to listen.

Whereas it was perfectly consistent that Billy should shun the consolation and companionship of his own world, he might follow after vagabond company as a thirsty dog trails water; and who could slake that thirst better than the tinker? For a second time that day she pictured the two swinging down the open road together; and for the second time she pulled a wry little smile.

"No one ever accused me of that before! Was that the staggering piece of information that Biddy has imparted to you?" "No," she said, a fleeting smile upon her awn face. "It was it was about Scott. It took my breath away, that's all." "That all?" said Eustace with a faintly wry lift of one eyebrow. She slipped a shy arm around his neck. "Eustace, do you do you think I ought to let Scott marry me?"

"Oho! Here be the other fine bird a-homing, I'll warrant," he cried. The place was full. I caught sight of Davenport, the tailor, with a wry face, talking against the noise; of Banks, the man I had hired, resplendent in my livery.

I shall understand you, and say nothing to my rather peculiar but most worthy aunt, waiting a more convenient season." The desired invitation was immediately dispatched, with some wry faces on the part of the head of the house who, however, would not oppose what his wife wished. Notwithstanding his knowledge of men, that is, of fundamental human nature, Mr.

"Perhaps I had better talk the matter over with her and try to bring her to her senses," I remarked. "I wish you joy of the experience," said my wife, with a wry smile. "She is like a seraph in her serenity, and I might just as well have been talking to a stone wall for all the effect my words seemed to have.

Two men by contemporary usage were going to be allowed to butcher each other, but moments after, all the facilities of modern medical science were going to be at their disposal. Joe felt a wry twinge of humor at the incongruity of it. General Armstrong called, "Commence!" Joe spread his legs, grasped the knife so that his thumb was along the side of the blade and held approximately waist high.

"Humph, I'd like to see you or Molly or any woman 'corner' Tom Pollard," said Mrs. Johnson with a wry smile as she tasted the concoction in the wine-glass. "I have to put him at the end of the table because he is my kinsman and the only host I've got at present, Aunt Bettie," I said regretfully.

"If that's the case we might as well postpone the trip for a day," Hugo acknowledged, somewhat shamefacedly. "I don't often get played out but for some reason I'm not quite up to the mark to-day." "You keep still an' rest yourself a bit," Mrs. Papineau ordered, coming back to him and feeling his pulse gravely, whereat she made a wry face.