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The police again battered at the opposite door, threatening loudly to break it in if it were not opened at once, whereupon the old wood-cutter drew the bolt and admitted them. Two big, hulking fellows in heavy riding-coats and swords strode in, while two others remained mounted outside, holding the horses.

Hans's eyes danced with delight at the idea, but in the meantime he knew his duty was to help his father as much as he could in his work as a wood-cutter. "But then some day," he thought, "who knows but I might be able to devote my time to music, and so it would all be brought about through the kindness of little Frida."

His endurance, however, was not destined to be further tested that night, for he had not gone far when he came unexpectedly on the hut of a wood-cutter, who received him hospitably, though, being taciturn, it was not easy to ascertain what were his views, as to the religion for which so many people were then suffering.

The Baron was disgraced in consequence of his known legitimist opinions, and has lived for some time in the humble capacity of a wood-cutter, in a forest on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Crim Tartary.

Almost at the same moment the wood-cutter who had gone out to attend to the stock appeared at the door of the stable and called out to Rodney: "Say, you Louisanner fellar, where's your critter?" And then he stopped and looked at Nels. "Do you say the prisoner has lit out?" he shouted. "Then he's done took another hoss to holp him on his way."

Near the borders of a large forest dwelt in olden times a poor wood-cutter, who had two children a boy named Hansel, and his sister, Grethel. They had very little to live upon, and once when there was a dreadful season of scarcity in the land, the poor wood-cutter could not earn sufficient to supply their daily food.

There was also other satisfaction at hand. Not a mile away lay a well-defined road doubtless the one spoken of by the wood-cutter and where the track pointed to the seashore the low roofs and circling smoke of a Thither township showed.

The old wood-cutter sprang up, and looking through a chink in the heavy shutters turned to us with blanched face, whispering breathlessly "The police! What can they want of me?" "Open!" shouted the horsemen outside. "Open in the name of his Majesty!" Felix and I sprang up facing each other. "We are entrapped!"

The figure of our unfortunate wood-cutter though, was hardly so dignified as that of the old athlete in the statue. Dr. Quackenboss, and Mr. Douglass, you will come in and see us when this troublesome business is done?" "It'll be a pretty spell yet," said Earl; "but the doctor, he can go in, he ha'n't nothin' to do. It don't take more'n half a dozen men to keep one pot a bilin'."

But none of the animals that went to the miller's wedding ever came back. And because they were self-willed and conceited, and would not listen to good advice, they and their children have been the servants of men to this very day. Several hundreds of years ago there lived in a forest a wood-cutter and his wife and children.