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He pushed forward through the crowd right up to the walls of the temple, seemingly indifferent to every cry or threat which was uttered as he passed. The throng closed in behind him, and he came to a halt in front of a low door set in the whitewashed wall which enclosed the temple and its precincts. Upon this door he beat with the butt of his crop and a little wicket in the door was opened.

I suppose there was about fifty of 'em all telling it at once, and then there was the sound of a fist on the gate. "Who is it?" I ses. "Police," ses the voice. I opened the wicket then and looked out. A couple o' policemen was standing by the gate and arf the riff-raff of Wapping behind 'em. "Wot's all this about?" ses one o' the policemen. I shook my 'ead. "Ask me another," I ses.

Unwittingly, her steps strayed in the direction of the river. She walked the road lying between the churchyard and the cemetery, opened the wicket gate by the church school, and struck across the well-remembered meadows. When she came to the river, she stood awhile on the bank and watched the endless procession of water which flowed beneath her.

Late as was the hour, improbable as was success, he would try the house of his adopted father, the chaplain of St. Benoit. He ran there all the way, and knocked timidly. There was no answer. He knocked again and again, taking heart with every stroke; and at last steps were heard approaching from within. A barred wicket fell open in the iron-studded door, and emitted a gush of yellow light.

You are not to understand it, as if the entrance into heaven was some little pinching wicket; no, the straitness of this gate is quite another thing.

The old man is an old blunderbuss, but he's too good a sport to stay away. They're decorating a box for him, and have his name on it. He can't stay away." "He can if he wants to," snapped the other man. "What does he care about this tommyrot he'll take no notice of it." "Well," said the man behind the wicket, "I believe he'll come.

The last wicket fell for ninety-two, a respectable total, of which fifty-nine had been made off the Parretts' batsmen, and thirty- three off the schoolhouse. Indeed, the advantage of the schoolhouse did not end there. Out of three catches not counting Riddell's they had made two, while of the five wickets which had been taken by the bowling, they claimed three against their rivals' two.

Behind this wicket sat the portress, a venerable nun, whom age and obesity had consigned to this sedentary occupation. "Benedicite, good Mother Veronique! How are all within the house?" inquired Sister Josephine, going up to the wicket. "The saints be praised, all are well! They are just going in to matins. You come in good time, my sisters!

It was only when the next batsman who emerged from the pavilion turned out to be his young brother and not Fenn, that Silver began to see that something was wrong. It was conceivable that Fenn might have chosen to go in first wicket down instead of opening the batting, but not that he should go in second wicket. If Kay's were to win it was essential that he should begin to bat as soon as possible.

And drawing his two friends aside, as far from the wicket as he could, he said to them in a low and distressed voice, "A thought has occurred to me, gentlemen, which I think I ought to mention to you. It cannot be but that the Countess Claudieuse must be suffering terribly since I am in prison.