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But it is better to spend more time in the enjoyment of the grand scenery on the summit and about the head of the Whitney Glacier, pass the second night in camp, and return to Sisson's on the third day.

"Vincent said something about Captain Miller having called is the Captain here?" "He has gone upstairs with your husband and Detective Mitchell," answered Foster. "Tell me, Mrs. Whitney, was Sinclair Spencer visiting you for any length of time?" "Oh, no; his stopping here last night was quite unexpected; in fact so unexpected to me that I accidentally put Kiametia in the same room with him."

Whitney, thank you." "Oh, see those pretty red lights over there now. What are they?" asked Louise, who stood with Allen Harrison. "The signals," exclaimed Bucks. "Three fusees. Good for Glover; that means success. Shall we go?"

I guess you think you'd better give it up now, sir; I'm getting so big." "Softly there, Dicky," said Mrs. Whitney, over in the window-seat with her fancy work; "if Van gives up, you should thank him; I think he is very good to do it." And the bigger boy's heart warmed with the radiant smile she sent him.

"Well, then, you would better keep it," said Dr. Fisher. "Good morning," to Mrs. Whitney. "Our young man here is getting ahead pretty fast, I should think. How's the leg, Dicky?" sitting down by him. "The leg is all right," cried Dick; "I'm going to step on it," trying to get out of the chair. "Dicky!" cried his mother in alarm. "Softly softly now, young man," said Dr. Fisher.

Yerkes, though he had considerable interest in Philadelphia, which had been the scene of his earliest exploits, limited his activities largely to Chicago. Widener and Elkins, however, not only dominated Philadelphia traction but participated in all of Yerkes's enterprises in Chicago and held an equal interest with Whitney and Ryan in New York.

"Before anything further is said," began the spinster, reddening, "I must confess that I overheard Kathleen mention money difficulties I didn't mean to hear it" hastily "but I just want to say that I'll be your banker until Winslow gets better." "You dear!" Kathleen sat up and kissed her warmly and Mrs. Whitney, quite overcome, embraced her with tears in her eyes.

Guy grasped his father's hand and Houston's in a manner that removed every anxiety from their minds. "It is more than satisfactory," he said, "more than I could wish." The following day, Mr. Whitney, Lindlay and Van Dorn returned east, leaving the "family party" as they laughingly styled themselves, to follow later.

Whitney heaved a sharp sigh of discontent. The surroundings were not pleasing to her. Again and again she had pleaded with her husband to give up the old house and move into a more fashionable neighborhood. But with the tenacity which easy-going men sometimes exhibit, Winslow Whitney clung to the home of his ancestors.

She used to read them to her mother, and ask her which she thought came from Steve, which from Joe and John. It was quite funny, though, that Nora Whitney had one exactly like one of hers. And even Mr. Theodore declared he didn't send them. Margaret looked like an angel, the little girl thought.