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They can in no sense be regarded as part of a homogeneous crew, subject to regular discipline and educated to appreciate the morale of a particular liner, as a man of war's crew is. Searchlights These seem an absolute necessity, and the wonder is that they have not been fitted before to all ocean liners.

"There's no reason you and I shouldn't get along together all right. Maybe we're both a little hard-headed. Let's talk it over." He led the old man ashore, and out of earshot of the rivermen. At the end of ten minutes he returned. "War's over, boys!" he shouted cheerfully. "Get in and break that jam." At once the crew swarmed across the log barrier to a point above the centre pier.

D'Auton, too, bears witness to this wholesale violation of the women, "which," he adds, "is the very worst of all war's excesses." He informs us further that "the foot-soldiers of the Duke of Valentinois acquitted themselves so well in this, that thirty of the most beautiful women went captive to Rome," a figure which is confirmed by Burchard. "What an opportunity was not this for Guicciardini!

War's not declared yet and, if it was, you might better be looking for German soldiers to shoot at than trying to hurt an old man who never did anyone any harm!" There was a threatening noise from the crowd, but Franklin was undismayed. "You'll have to get through us to reach them !" he cried. "We " But he was interrupted. A whistle sounded. The next moment the police were there.

Tennis suffered the world over from war's blight, but everywhere the game sprang up in renewed life at the close of hostilities. The season of 1919 was one of reconstruction after the devastation. New figures were standing in prominence where old stars were accustomed to be seen.

Position of Alexander and his Army La Motte attempts in vain Ostend Patriots gain Liefkenshoek Projects of Gianibelli Alarm on the Bridge The Fire Ships The Explosion Its Results Death of the Viscount of Ghent Perpetual Anxiety of Farnese Impoverished State of the Spaniards Intended Attack of the Kowenstyn Second Attack of the Kowenstyn A Landing effected A sharp Combat The Dyke pierced Rally of the Spaniards Parma comes to the Rescue Fierce Struggle on the Dyke The Spaniards successful Premature Triumph at Antwerp Defeat of the Patriots The Ship War's End Despair of the Citizens

Although it was impossible but that such an ordeal must have impaired her strength, she outlived the war's ending, and the horrible social crisis which she had foreseen must succeed the political one.

Her placid face did not once betray the anguish of her heart during those three weeks. The term fixed by Madame Desvarennes with the Prince had expired that morning. And the severity with which the mistress had received the Minister of War's Financial Secretary was a symptom of the agitation in which the necessity of coming to a decision placed Micheline's mother.

"It was a beastly mess that had to be cleared up, and now it's done as far as my little responsibility is concerned. I'm delighted. I want to get back to my wife and family and lead the life of a human being. War's a dog's life. It has nothing to recommend it. It's as stupid and senseless as a typhoon." He laughed. "What are you doing here?" Andrew waved a hand. "Putting in time."

The interest which foreign peoples take in our civil war proceeds from two causes chiefly, though there are minor causes that help swell the force of the current of feeling. The first of these causes is the contemplation of the check which has been given by the war's occurrence to our march to universal American dominion.