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Slade's wife was sent for and reached town soon after Slade's body was cut down and laid out. She loaded the Vigilantes with imprecations, and showed the most heartbroken grief. The two had been very deeply attached. She was especially regretful that Slade had been hanged and not shot. He was worth a better death than that, she protested.

On the city streets robbery and murder were of frequent occurrence, no one was safe, and wrongdoers went unpunished because, frequently, the officers of the law were in league with them. At last the best citizens felt that for the sake of their homes and families they must take matters into their own hands, so they formed an association, seven thousand strong, which was known as the "Vigilantes."

Generally the vigilantes, by a series of summary executions, do really good work; but I have rarely known them fail, among the men whom they killed for good reason, to also kill one or two either by mistake or to gratify private malice. See Doddridge. McAfee MSS. Doddridge. Said one old Indian fighter, a Col.

But Alec can handle the commanding officer at the post, and, thanks to him, we'll have soldiers guarding the house hereafter." "Why they won't hurt us " "Tut, tut! I know what I'm talking about. We're in worse danger now than ever, and if we don't break up those Vigilantes there'll be bloodshed that's what.

That's th' gun, I make no doubt, an' Ellen knew it but if we're worth killin' we'll dig into this harder'n ever. Here's poor Thomas, makes one more notch on my record. I'm not sayin' quit! An' you're th' bravest man in Corvan, too!" At Last's Holding the Vigilantes stopped for rest and food. They had been in saddle the better part of forty-eight hours.

Well I came here to get a letter that his wife received from his political and natural enemy and perhaps I DID!" With a side glance at Mrs. Bunker's crimson cheek she added carelessly, "I have nothing against Captain Bunker; he's a straightforward man and must go with his kind. He helped those hounds of Vigilantes because he believes in them. We couldn't bribe him if we wanted to. And we don't."

Stanner understood that I had no desire for his company elsewhere, he would hardly venture to intrude upon me in my house, and certainly not after " "Ef you're alluding to the Vigilantes shakin' you and Zeenie up at Hennicker's, you can't make ME responsible for that. I'm here now on business you understand reg'lar business. Ef you want to see the papers yer ken.

The marksman was evidently too occupied with his invisible target to notice them. But on their nearer approach he rose to his feet and started to run. A shot over his head, a sharp command, and he halted and was surrounded by the vigilantes, but not before he had slily dropped some object in the grass. One of the men dismounted and struck a match. "Why, it's Henry Dorgan!" exclaimed Mart Cooley.

"The first cargoes in this new market make the money the fastest clippers poor old hulks but you brought in the argonauts!" So he ran on, venting his impatience, so plainly divided between his sense of duty in staying near his wife and his great desire to slip the leash, that Sherwood smiled to himself. Once again he mentioned Coleman and the Vigilantes of '51. "I suppose he's around here?

Ammunition was passed and volunteers were called to form a charging party. The vigilantes formed in the glare of the burning shops. From the head-quarters of the rioters in Front Street came scattering shots and cries as a huge volume of sparks shot up into the black sky.