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I ain't come here like a politician, nor a sky-pilot to talk the rights an' wrongs of things. It's not in my line ladlin' out psalms an' things. Ther's folks paid fer that sort o' hogwash. It's jest been decided to run a gang o' vigilantes over this district, an' every feller called upon's expected to roll up prompt. I've been around an' located twelve of the boys from the ranges.

Some of the best men of the "Vigilantes" came to me and remonstrated, saying that collision would surely result; that it would be terrible, etc. All I could say in reply was, that it was for them to get out of the way. "Remove your fort; cease your midnight councils; and prevent your armed bodies from patrolling the streets."

If only the Vigilantes would be content with making an example but he knew they would not. The blood hunger of a mob is easy to whet and hard to hold. McNamara would resist, as would Voorhees and the district-attorney, then there would be bloodshed, riot, chaos. The soldiers would be called out and martial law declared, the streets would become skirmish-grounds.

The crowd took up the cry, but the lineman, swinging right and left with terrific strength and swiftness, opened a way ahead of him while Bucks kept close by till Dancing had cut through to the vigilantes. Then, turning with them as they raised their own cry of triumph, Dancing helped to drive the discomfited rioters back. It was only for a moment that the vigilantes held their advantage.

"Buck!" it pealed across the stillness of the crowded room, "Buck! it ain't so! Never in this world, Buck! I ben true to you as your shadow! Before God, it ain't true!" There was a stir throughout the crowd, a breath that was audible. There were many of the Vigilantes there a goodly number, all wondering where Tharon Last was, where Kenset was, where were the riders from Last's.

We also give the names of those who were required to leave the State; all of whom, in the archives of the Vigilantes, fall under the head of the black list:" James P. Casey, executed May 22nd, 1856. Charles Cora, executed May 22nd, 1856. Joseph Hetherington, executed July 29th, 1856. Philander Brace, executed July 29th, 1856. Chas. P. Duane, shipped on "Golden Age," June 5th, 1856.

"A horse-thief named Josh Silsbie was lynched yesterday morning by the Vigilantes at Deadwood." The spring of 1874 was retarded in the California sierras; so much so, that certain Eastern tourists who had early ventured into the Yo Semite Valley found themselves, one May morning, snow-bound against the tempestuous shoulders of El Capitan.

That's why we didn't bother you for bribing the editors. But you will get no thanks from Terry. He's against you on the slavery question. He'd kill you tomorrow if he got a chance. You or any other man that's in his way. Watch out for him." "Nonsense," said Broderick, and walked away. On August 18th the Vigilantes paraded for the last time.

That lion of the Vigilantes had but to rouse himself and shake his ears, and the whole brawling mob was silenced.