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Upround, few men give such pure service as your humble servant. I have twice had the honor of handing you my card. If ever you fall into any difficulty, where zeal, fidelity, and high principle, combined with very low charges " "Mr. Mordacks, my opinion of you is too high for even yourself to add to it. But what has this Sir Duncan Yorick "

"Oh, now I see where the infection comes from! Papa, I am off, for fear of catching it myself. Don't tell me, whatever you do. I never can sleep upon dark mysteries." "Poor dear, you shall not have your rest disturbed," Dr. Upround said, sweetly, as he closed the door behind her; "you are much too good a girl for other people's plagues to visit you."

Their captain took the same view of the case. He had very little doubt of their acquittal if they were defended properly; and of that a far wealthier man than himself, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of free trade, Master Rideout of Malton, would take good care, if the money left with Dr. Upround failed.

"The very rich gentleman from India," said Mary, "that married Miss Upround lately; and her dress was all made of spun diamonds, they say, as bright as the dew in the morning. Oh, then you will have to give me up; Robin, you must give up me!" Clasping her hands, she looked up at him with courage, keeping down all sign of tears.

Mordacks, you have surprised me," answered Dr. Upround; "though I am not so very much wiser at present. I really must congratulate you upon your activity, and the impression you create." "Not at all, sir, not at all. It is my manner of doing business, now for thirty years or more.

One as to the girl he is in love with, and the other his kind liberality to the fellows who will have to bear the brunt of it." "You speak sarcastically, and I hope unfairly. To my mind, the most important facts are these that poor Carroway was shot from behind, and that the smugglers had no fire-arms, except two pistols, both unloaded." "Who is to prove that, Dr. Upround?

"Papa, I have brought you a wonderful letter," cried Miss Janetta Upround, toward supper-time of that same night; "and the most miraculous thing about it is that there is no post to pay. Oh, how stupid I am! I ought to have got at least a shilling out of you for postage." "My dear, be sorry for your sins, and not for having failed to add to them.

Upround, who was gifted with a fine vein of moral reflection, "are not as we might wish if we ordered them ourselves. But still there is this to be said in their favor, that they have a large tendency toward righteousness."

All was highly picturesque and nice, and charming for the critic who had never got to do it. "Now, papa, you must come this very moment," cried Miss Janetta Upround, the daughter of the house, and indeed the only daughter, with a gush of excitement, rushing into the study of this deeply read divine; "there is something doing that I can not understand.

Miss Janetta Upround had not only learned by nature, but also had been carefully taught by her parents, and by every one, how to get her own way always, and to be thanked for taking it. But she had such a happy nature, full of kindness and good-will, that other people's wishes always seemed to flow into her own, instead of being swept aside.