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Now unbind his hands and free his mouth. "James Finlay, we are here to do strict justice. You shall have every opportunity of making any defence you can when you hear the charges against you. If you clear yourself you shall go free. If you fail to clear yourself you must abide the sentence we shall pronounce on you." "You mean to murder me," said Finlay. "We do not mean to murder you.

But when we SAY we'll do a thing it's the same as an oath to us we do it. You trust us, and we'll trust you. She began to unbind his legs, and the boys hastened to untie his arms. When he was free he stood up, stretched his arms, and laughed. 'Now, he said, 'I am stronger than you and my oath is void. I have sworn by nothing, and my oath is nothing likewise.

"No," said Oliver; "if we go down near the pond, as likely as not, the first skating night, some of the boys will tear our fort all to pieces." "What if they do?" said Rollo. "I want it to last all winter," said Oliver. Rollo yielded to Oliver's wishes, and they began together to unbind their load of boards and tools. "Come, Nathan," said Oliver, "we want you to help us now."

"To-day unbind the captive, So only are ye unbound: Lift up a people from the dust, Trump of their rescue, sound!" "Voluntaries," published in the same year in the "Atlantic Monthly," is more dithyrambic in its measure and of a more Pindaric elevation than the plain song of the "Boston Hymn."

The chief dropped his arm and doggedly walked away. Jane brought some nuts and placing them where he could reach them, begged her uncle to unbind the cord around his hand so that he could eat them.

He's up in the laboratory now. You can all take yourselves off as quickly as you like, when once the snuff box is in my hands. Now speak." "First, let my husband up." Hartmann went to the wall, and switching off the violet rays, turned on the electric lamp, then nodded to Mayer. "Unbind him," he said. Duvall staggered to his feet, half-blinded. As he did so, Hartmann turned to Grace.

In short, I compelled the clown to unbind him, and to swear he would take him with him, and pay him real by real, and perfumed into the bargain. Is not all this true, Andres my son? Didst thou not mark with what authority I commanded him, and with what humility he promised to do all I enjoined, specified, and required of him?

Had they had a man-at-arms among them, they would have known that mine were not the wounds of a dead but of a living man. The old nurse knew it, when my sweet lady would needs unbind my wrist, to place my hand in its right place. An old crone such as Welsh Winny never stirs without her cordial potion.

At this, Saleh and all the other men with him fled incontinently. To’ Kâya, then picked himself up. He had not been hurt in the struggle, for Saleh and his people had not stayed to unbind their spears, which were fastened into bundles, and, save for the slight wounds in his hand and on his back, he was little the worse for his adventures.

"Well, no matter; I told you to unbind his hands at any rate, it will be our business to see that he doesn't break anybody's head. And now, captain, be kind enough to declare the contents of your vessel, which you have so bravely defended. No doubt you have a valuable cargo." "You have captured the ship, and can search every corner of her, I shall guide you nowhere." "Right again. Men, go below."