United States or Wallis and Futuna ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Some persons assert that foreigners find the first fortnight in Paris very dull, because a little time is necessary to get introduced, but I was fortunate enough to find myself established on as good a footing as I could desire within twenty-four hours, and the consequence was that I felt delighted with Paris, and certain that my stay would prove an agreeable one.

Anne, his niece, was twenty-four; Alix, Cherry's sister, three years younger how staid and unmarried and undesired they seemed to-night to panting and glowing and glorified eighteen! Anne, with Alix's erratic help, kept house for her uncle, and was supposed to keep a sharp eye on Cherry, too.

I ain't got time to bring any more men up from Cheyenne I've got to have help within the next twenty-four hours. You can see how your misplaced feelin's might muddle and delay me, and hold off the troopers till they've killed off all of my men in that cañon back yonder in the hills. It's for the best, I tell you; you'll see it that way before daylight." "It's a pity about your gallant cutthroats!

FitzPatrick has pointed out, that the salary list had become twenty-four times what it was when the Uitlanders arrived, and five times as much as the total revenue was then.

More than eleven hundred of her passengers and crew were drowned, among them one hundred and twenty-four Americans, men, women, and children. The cry that went up from America was one of anguish, but still more one of rage. This attack upon non-combatant travelers, citizens of a neutral state, had been callously premeditated and ruthlessly executed in cold blood.

Sham Rao loudly pronounced the names of twenty-four gods, and each name was accompanied by a stroke of the bell. Having finished he first shut his eyes and stuffed his ears with cotton, then pressed his left nostril with two fingers of his left hand, and having filled his lungs with air through the right nostril, pressed the latter also.

John Talbot, who kept a country store in the village, employing me to deal out sugar, coffee, and calico to his customers at the munificent salary of twenty-four dollars a year. After I had gained a twelve-months' experience with Mr. Talbot my services began to be sought by, others, and a Mr.

She uttered a cry of protest; then, "What are you talkin' about?" she roughly demanded. "We had some argyment an' I got kinda r'iled. Finally he says if I feel that way we'll go pardners. He wouldn't listen to nothin' else, an' that's how it stands. He made twenty-four thousand an' I " "You You fool!"

Two additional pioneers are proceeding to leper colonies in Puerto Rico and French Guiana. Two valiant pioneers from India and America are preparing entry into Tibet. Two more members of the United States National Assembly have volunteered to pioneer, raising the number to five. United States pioneers are departing to twenty-four virgin territories ere the conclusion of the Holy Year.

I spoke to my dear father about it, and he distressed as he was at the prospect of being compelled to part with me agreed that my only hope of safety lay in flight; and twenty-four hours later I was, as I hoped, safe in the house of a friend at Boroviezi.