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Four little craft in a group, with twenty-four men in them, silently waiting for battle with one of the mightiest of God's creatures one that was indeed a terrible foe to encounter were he but wise enough to make the best use of his opportunities. Against him we came with our puny weapons, of which I could not help reminding myself that "he laugheth at the shaking of a spear."

Alexander Duff was twenty-four years of age when, in 1830, full of hesitation as to carrying out his own plans in opposition to the experience of all the missionaries he had consulted, he received from Carey alone the most earnest encouragement to pursue in Calcutta the Christian college policy so well begun in the less central settlement of Serampore. We have elsewhere told the story:

Our sufferings will soon be over. You deserve a better fate. I wish " "No, no, don't talk that way," cried Guy. "You will live to see the sunlight again I am sure of it." The colonel turned over on his side without making a reply. "If we don't reach the mouth of the cavern in twenty-four hours, I for one will never see the light of day," said Melton huskily. "I'd hate to die in this place.

Had he arrived a day earlier in other words, had not Lew Wallace's gallant little army of six thousand delayed him twenty-four hours he could have entered the city, raided the Treasury and burned the Capitol. Senator Winter was not slow to strike the blow for which he had been eagerly waiting a favorable moment.

You lie when you say you didn't hear me call out I was blind. Sixty yards away, I was, an' the wind hadn't started. I was afraid yes, afraid an' I yelled at the top of my lungs. An' you sailed off inside of twenty-four hours." "Driven off." "I don't believe ye. You deserted me left me blind, tucked in the bloody, freezin' carcass of a bear. Left me like the cur you are. Why, you "

The unfortunate frog, so aptly named "the Job of physiology," becomes resigned to living under most dreadful conditions, and when, through sheer exhaustion, he has succumbed, his twitching limbs may still he used as an object of experimentation for twenty-four hours. Thanks are due to nature for giving so extraordinary a vitality to the tissues of a modest batrachian!

Piqued by his manner the young lady answered: "We are twenty-four at this table. I do not believe there is one person here living in the house in which he or she was born." This assertion raised a murmur of dissent around the table; on a census being taken it proved, however, to be true.

Accordingly, on the twenty-second of November, about nine in the morning, the Austrians began a most furious discharge of their cannon, forty of which were twenty-four pounders, and this continued without ceasing till one, when it was succeeded by a severe fire of their small arms, which lasted till five in the evening.

One fourth of this number is eighty-two and a half thousand, which, according to the evidence presented by Governor Campbell, is the lowest possible limit at which the minimum of adults unable to read and write can be stated. But the census number is less than fifty-nine thousand, making a difference of nearly twenty-four thousand, or more than forty per cent.

Grey responded by granting him just twenty-four hours; and when Fairbrother said the time was not long enough and allowed his hand to steal ominously to his breast, he repeated still more decisively, "Twenty-four hours." The ex-miner honored bravery.