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He wanted to make poverty inexcusable. Yet he realized that there were cases where age and disease had sapped the person's powers, and to such he gave by stealth, or through friends whom he loved and trusted. Mrs. W. P. Winsor, of Fairhaven, for instance, worked days and months overtime on the bidding of Mr.

I trusted my friend Dicky Sharpe might be of the number; for even then, strange as it may seem, I pictured to myself the grief and misery his loss would cause at that home where I had lately seen him the hope and joy of a loving mother and affectionate sisters. These thoughts occupied scarcely a second.

His fellow-plenipotentiaries were dummies; and even the trusted Colonel House, with vastly more knowledge of men and of Europe than the President, from whose sensitiveness the President's dullness had gained so much, fell into the background as time went on.

Carson was still laying stress on the article in The Chameleon and scattered passages in "Dorian Gray"; on Oscar's letters to Lord Alfred Douglas and Lord Alfred Douglas' poems in The Chameleon. He must see, I thought, that all this was extremely weak. Sir Edward Clarke could be trusted to tear all such arguments, founded on literary work, to shreds.

But we trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel: and besides all this to-day is the third day since these things were done." Cleopas also told the story of the women who had come from the sepulchre that morning talking of a vision of angels, with that of Peter and John, who had gone also, and found it even as the women had said.

If I were "heretic" to him, I swear I knew it not for aught he said or did; and though I trusted that when my time was come I should stand forth with some small simple-hearted show of courage, yet when he went away I felt I was the stronger for his coming. And this, mark you, though I was still unshriven, and he had never named the churchly rite to me.

He said, "I have trusted you in times past, and I desire to do so again. I believe you will not betray my confidence. We are going to make another deposit to-night. I have long had the location in mind. Now, swear by the Holy Virgin that you will not disturb the stuff yourselves, nor in any way aid or abet any one else in doing so." They swore with deep earnestness.

Of course omitting its habitat if you like, for it isn't fair to ask that secret. Woodden can be trusted to hold his tongue, and so can I."

"What they will do is sweep down here and overwhelm you." "You think so?" "Yes." He shifted himself to a more comfortable position. "They are playing for time so that when I fail to produce the model as I agreed, then the public will realize I am not to be trusted." "Exactly," I said. "Well, I am playing for time, also." He seemed so willing to discuss the thing that I grew bolder.

If William had said all that was in his mind, he would probably have added that Sidney, though not a great orator or statesman, was one of the very few English politicians who could be as entirely trusted as Bentinck or Zulestein. Caermarthen listened with a bitter smile.