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Remained this day at Hunters'. Had my good little horse shod. Careless smith pricked him and produced temporary lameness. Friday, Oct. 15. Left Pittsburg at 7 o'clock. Traveled over a poor and hilly country for thirty-six miles. Passed a few travelers bound to Ohio.

Many had seen it, but some were sure the banjo-playing boy was a real negro, while others said he was only blackened up. At any rate the show had traveled on, and no one knew where it would be next met with. "Well, it may have been Fred, and it may not," said Mr. Brown. "I must write and ask Mr.

By an extraordinary effort she raised herself, lengthening her stature until she was able to touch the envelopes of strong blue paper with the tips of her fingers; and her fingers traveled over them, contracting nervously, scratching like claws. Suddenly there was a crash it was a geological specimen, a fragment of marble that had been on a lower shelf, and that she had just thrown down.

His hand traveled to his breast pocket, and at the gesture, Mame's gaunt body stiffened suddenly. "Didn't come to inquire about our health, did you?" she shot at him, acrimoniously. "I came to see you about another matter " "Not on the trail of old Jimmy Brunell still, on that business of the bonds found at the bank?" Walter's voice was suddenly shrill with simulated mirth.

FEEBLE-MIND. Then said the poor man, I am a sickly man, as you see; and, because death did usually once a day knock at my door, I thought I should never be well at home; so I betook myself to a pilgrim's life, and have traveled hither from the town of Uncertain, where I and my father were born.

She traveled on through heavy snow, glancing at every hut until, coming to a standstill, she read aloud: "Lafe Grandoken, Cobbler of Folks' and Children's Shoes and Boots." Jinnie turned and, going down a short flight of steps, hesitated a moment before she knocked timidly on the front door. During the moment of waiting she glanced over what she hoped was to be her future home.

They were yet so still that the wild animals might well take them to be lifeless, and the power to sit there so long without stirring a muscle was one acquired only by warriors and scouts. A faint whining cry came out of the silver dark, a sound that had traveled a great distance on waves of air, and every one of the five understood it, on the instant.

Nothing more was heard, after that, but the hasty ticking of the little ormolu clock, as its hands traveled steadily around the circle. Bressant jumped on to the platform of the newly-arrived train.

Colonel Fauntleroy and his men traveled at such a rapid pace, that, in the course of a very few days, they succeeded in once more overtaking the main village belonging to the enemy. The Indians took refuge in a steep and rocky mountain. A skirmishing fight immediately commenced, which lasted several hours.

The nurse turned to look at the patient whose face was still hidden in the pillow and then her gaze traveled meditatively toward the door out of which the young doctor had shot so precipitately. Larry had forgotten that there was a mirror over the wash stand and that nurses, however impersonal, are still women with eyes in their heads. "H m," reflected the onlooker.