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Herrick said I had, and I tried to make myself more companionable to you oh, I know I didn't succeed very well," said Toni humbly, "but, you see, you didn't understand. I only bothered you when I tried to help you in your work; and of course you didn't want to talk to me about the things that really mattered to you." "Toni Toni don't say such things."

He said the words wildly to himself as he spun down the moonlit road between the fragrant hedges. "She's ruined his life, and will go on doing it as long as they live! October, he said. Well, there's time to give poor little Toni a helping hand before then!" But in the quiet bungalow behind him Jim Herrick sat alone until the short summer night had given way to the glories of the dawn.

Doubtless he wants some more roses," Frau von Eschenhagen broke out afresh, while the father held out both his arms to Toni and said, in a trembling voice: "My child, my poor, deceived child, come to me. Come to your father's arms."

"I imagine why, mother, even though I do not know where you obtained your information." "The newspapers keep us advised there, read that," and his mother handed him the newspaper from the table. "But Toni has been here and told us all do you hear all!"

He spoke kindly, but Toni seemed unable to proceed. "I was thinking ... I mean ..." Suddenly impatient of her own cowardice she took her courage in both hands and spoke bravely. "I was wondering whether you would allow me to ask Fanny my cousin down for the afternoon. You see, if you are away " "Why, of course, dear!"

Herrick included even dogs in her universal hatred nowadays. "I declare I wish someone would poison the beast." This threat, uttered not for the first time, made Herrick set his lips firmly, and for once his wife regretted her taunt. "Oh, I'm not going to do it," she said with a laugh. "Good-bye, Toni, if you must go. I'll come and look you up in a day or two."

"Mother, you must learn to speak of my future wife in a different tone " said her son, in so earnest and decided a manner that the enraged woman was dumbfounded. "As Toni has released me, I am at liberty to love Marietta, and Marietta's character is blameless, of that I have had proof. Who vexes or insults her must answer to me even if it be my own mother."

Now go after Toni this minute and say what you can to excuse yourself; she has reason to be sorely vexed with you." Regine took him by the shoulder and pushed him out of the door, as she ended her tirade. Will took all she said quietly enough, and went at once to make his peace with his cousin.

Rose; and Owen was forced to wait for Andrews' return. When the man came, bearing no tidings, Owen understood that the matter was serious. Toni had gone, left her home in the dusk, departed no one knew whither. The whole thing was so unexpected, so incredible, that it was small wonder Owen was completely at sea. Suddenly a welcome thought flashed into his head.

She had even asked the doctor to allow her to be present when he took the boy to his mother, in order to share in the joy, if the poor boy's delight at seeing her again would affect him as they hoped. Soon the doctor appeared, and after he had prepared the mother not to expect Toni to speak at the first moment, he brought him in.