United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the springtime I might chamber an occasional mint julep, but this, really, was a sort of rite, a gesture of salute to the young green year. Likewise at Christmas time I partook sparingly of the ceremonial and traditional egg-nog. And once in a great while, on a bitter cold night in the winter, a hot apple toddy was not without its attractions.

"No little fish yesterday," she said quietly, holding up one finger to indicate the number. "Good God! She's starving! Here, you toddy slinger, there! I say, can't you give this woman something to eat?" to the man behind the bar. "Wal, I'm sorry to say it, but there aint no grub here; leastwise that's good for Eskimo," he added with a wink.

They sat down, and Duncan told a long sad story; which finished, with the toddy that had sustained him during the telling, the old man thought it better, for fear of annoying his Mistress Partan, to go home. As it was past one o'clock, they both agreed.

I knowed it begorra, I knowed it by the twinkle av yer eye. Thrust to me for findin' that out; sure it's meself that can tell a conjaynial spirit, so it is." Hereupon "His Majesty" began to brew a tumbler of toddy. Russell, who was an experienced hand, gazed upon the royal proceedings with a critical eye, but found nothing wanting. The royal hand was as experienced as his own.

Now we will throw the whiskey toddy into him, and plenty of it, too; and yes, we'll go on with the quinine, repeat the calomel to-night, and have him ready for something else by to-morrow."

Nothing excited his indignation so much as any wanton destruction committed among the cows, and in his view shooting a calf was a cardinal sin. Henry Chatillon and Tete Rouge were of the same age; that is, about thirty. Henry was twice as large, and fully six times as strong as Tete Rouge. Henry's face was roughened by winds and storms; Tete Rouge's was bloated by sherry cobblers and brandy toddy.

Then he started, and Herriot at once went to work on Stone and Toddy, with a pipe in his mouth. He had travelled all night, and it is hardly necessary to say that in five minutes he was fast asleep. So also had Frank travelled all night, but the pony and the fresh air kept him awake.

"The beggar sells nothing but American whiskey. But here's a quart of it." "I'll send one of the youngsters for lemons, and we'll make a toddy," Martin offered. "I wonder what a book like that will earn Marlow?" he went on, holding up the volume in question. "Possibly fifty dollars," came the answer.

"Stranger here?" he asked. I admitted that I was. "May I offer," said he, "the hospitalities of the city in the form of a hot whisky toddy?" I thanked him and asked to be excused. "Your name," he ventured, after clearing his throat, "is Vandemark." Then I looked at him still more sharply. How did he know my name?

The moment he entered the garret, Mr Cupples, who had already consumed his nightly portion, saw that he had been drinking. He looked at him with blue eyes, wide-opened, dismay and toddy combining to render them of uncertain vision. "Eh, bantam! bantam!" he said, and sank back in his chair; "ye hae been at it in spite o' me."