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The little hillock which formed the abutment of the old bridge is now an island with its tuft of trees. Along the hither shore a row of trees stand up to their knees, and the smaller ones to their middles, in the water; and afar off, on the surface of the stream, we see tufts of bushes emerging, thrusting up their heads, as it were, to breathe.

And I shall get no benefit whatever from the trip, much as I need the change, because, without speaking of that famous heart of yours, you are always up to some double-dealing, and I shall not know into what mischief you may be thrusting yourself." Jurgen laughed, and kissed her. "Be off, and attend to your religious duties, dear, by all means.

But both styles of wit were treated with equal contempt by Mr. Joshua Rann. Mr. Rann's leathern apron and subdued griminess can leave no one in any doubt that he is the village shoemaker; the thrusting out of his chin and stomach and the twirling of his thumbs are more subtle indications, intended to prepare unwary strangers for the discovery that they are in the presence of the parish clerk.

The artillerymen were also apparently very drunk; they stood up in their seats, and thrusting hands and arms out of the car-windows, gave this cry with a vehemence that silenced every other sound: "To the slaughter! to the slaughter! to the slaughter!" It was as if a cold wind, a blast from the charnel-house, had swept through the car.

I took from my knapsack whatever articles I could in a hurry, and, thrusting them into my pockets, I fought on foot until a hussar gave me his horse. All that I was worth was in my pockets, so that to make room for the cherries I was obliged to take the pocket-book out of my pocket and place it here beneath my vest.

Rushed through the courtyard, thrusting in his rage To right and left each seneschal and page, And hurried up the broad and sounding stair, His white face ghastly in the torches' glare. From hall to hall he passed with breathless speed; Voices and cries he heard, but did not heed, Until at last he reached the banquet-room, Blazing with light, and breathing with perfume.

THEKLA. O my mother! I I cannot. COUNTESS. How, what is that, niece? O spare me sing now in this sore anxiety, Of the overburdened soul to sing to him Who is thrusting, even now, my mother headlong Into her grave. DUCHESS. How, Thekla! Humorsome! What! shall thy father have expressed a wish In vain? COUNTESS. Here is the lute. THEKLA. My God! how can I

"Here," he said, thrusting the scrawled letter into his partner's hand. "You just deliver that and everything'll be all right." Hutchinson ran his eye over it and laid it down. "How do you know the brother will be willing to make that beastly trip in here?" he demanded. "Oh, he'll do it for me and for his sister," Pentfield replied.

It is doubtful whether Jimmy would not have worked himself into another state of open rebellion had not Aggie put an end to his protests by thrusting him firmly out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"Was it for her the Death-Arch shone?" asked an old woman, suddenly thrusting her head, wrapped in a red woollen hood, out of a low doorway, through which the light of a fire sparkled from the background, sending vivid flashes across the snow. The man who had spoken last shook his head solemnly. "The Death-Arch never shone for a Christian yet," he said gravely. "No!