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Allah never requite him with good! How unlucky was his coming to us; for all this trouble is due to his hard headedness! But do thou, O slave girl, bear him to the Thirsty Island and leave him there to die of thirst."

The Vaudois, who had the thirsty propensities of mountaineers, ordered wine, and, as their guardians looked upon their confinement more as a measure of temporary policy than of serious moment, the command was obeyed. In a short time, this little group of worldlings were making the best of circumstances, by calling in the aid of physical stimulants to cheer their solitude.

Gregory Rose was in the loft putting it neat. Outside the rain poured; a six months' drought had broken, and the thirsty plain was drenched with water. What it could not swallow ran off in mad rivulets to the great sloot, that now foamed like an angry river across the flat.

The Pigeon flew away, and in a few minutes he had reached the clouds. The Marionette looked to see what was below them. His head swam and he was so frightened that he clutched wildly at the Pigeon's neck to keep himself from falling. They flew all day. Toward evening the Pigeon said: "I'm very thirsty!" "And I'm very hungry!" said Pinocchio.

Was it strange that a man, so thirsty for power, so gluttonous of flattery, should be influenced by such passionate appeals?

And he staggered drunkenly forward, banking all upon the credulity and thirst of the soldier who confronted him with fixed bayonet. That the sentry was both credulous and thirsty was evidenced by the fact that he let Barney come within reach of his gun. Instantly the drunken Austrian was transformed into a very sober and active engine of destruction.

This Welsh air does make one hungry. Mrs Bradshaw is paying poor old Maggie's rent, to save her from being sent into the workhouse." "That's right. Won't you have another cup of tea?" "I have had two. However, I think I'll take another." Mr Benson could not refrain from a little sigh as he poured it out. He thought he had never seen his sister so deliberately hungry and thirsty before.

You're on the Yankee side, too, I reckon, and there're bullets in these pies, sure as I live." The old man shuffled nervously on his bare feet. "Go 'way, Marster, w'at I know 'bout 'sides'?" he replied, tilting his keg to drain the last few drops into the canteen of a thirsty soldier. "I'se on de Lawd's side, dat's whar I is."

The ice cools and the fire warms, but a description of one or the other in place of the reality would make its absence only the more intolerable. Reynolds the dramatist tells us that one of his summer pieces was damned, owing to a scene in which the actors were served with plentiful libations of cool drinks a tantalizing spectacle that drew a storm of hisses from the hot and thirsty audience.

Accidents were strangely seldom when we consider the rate of speed, the nature of the roads, and the quantity of bad whisky consumed by most of the drivers. Many of these drivers made it a practice to drink at every stopping-place. Seventeen drinks were counted in one forenoon ride by one of these thirsty Jehus. The racing between the rival stages was exciting enough.