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'But it could not be put on the tower without people seeing it! It would have to be fixed to the masonry. And there must be a dome of some kind to keep off the rain. A tarpaulin might do. Lady Constantine reflected. 'It would be a great business, I see, she said. 'Though as far as the fixing and roofing go, I would of course consent to your doing what you liked with the old column.

A few rods behind the mission are the gardens, cut up into small squares by strong board fences to prevent the soil from blowing away, each with a tarpaulin near by to spread over it at night. In this laborious way potatoes, cabbages and turnips are raised.

So as my boarding-house was some way off, and it would be lost time to run to the ship for my big iron pot; under the impulse of the moment, I hurried to one of the Boodle Hydrants, which I remembered having seen running near the scene of a still smoldering fire in an old rag house; and taking off a new tarpaulin hat, which had been loaned me that day, filled it with water.

By the evening all the arrangements were completed and the whole party retired to rest much fatigued. September 13. UPON leaving the depot this morning I was obliged to leave behind a very large tarpaulin which we did not require, and which from the extra weight we had last night put upon the drays, we could not conveniently carry.

We therefore arranged to dress up so as to make ourselves look as formidable as possible, and then to appear suddenly before the old couple. For this purpose we brought up from the wreck all the boat cloaks, greatcoats, and pieces of canvas which we could find, and sou'westers and tarpaulin hats, not forgetting some pistols and rusty swords.

How grand it was when the postillion cracked his whip and sang out, 'Lagadigadeou, la Tarasque, la Tarasque' and the guard, with his ticket-punch slung on its bandolier and his braided cap tipped over one ear, chucked his little yapping dog onto the tarpaulin of the coach-roof and scrambled up himself crying 'Let's go!... Let's go! Then my four horses would start off with a jingle of bells, barking and fanfares.

No rabbit could have clambered around the boat quicker than I. Bothwell had doubled back and was charging me. His whistling cutlas hissed down not an inch from my ear and ripped through the tarpaulin to bury the blade in the wood of the bow. I scudded back toward the bridge, my enemy in full chase. Every instant I expected to feel the slash of his blade between my shoulders.

I was so worn out that I could hardly stir; but it seemed that if I did not move, no one else would; so shouting to one or two to help me, I crawled forward, and got the hatches on again, just as another wave washed over us; but before the next came, with my marlinespike I had contrived to nail down the tarpaulin once more, in the hope that, though waterlogged, we might float a little longer.

Percy scanned the steep, desolate cliffs a half-mile to the north. "What would you do if you were alone, Jim?" "Make for Tarpaulin as fast as oars would take me." "Then I say keep on!" "Keep on it is, then," assented Spurling. Shielded from the wind by the high shore, the dory sped on east by south. The island was over a mile long.

Oh, my word, an' the ship that broaches him!" Bill Adams opened and shut his mouth quickly, like a fish ashore. "They'll reckon they've got a lucky-bag," he said weakly. "An' Wilkins paid off with the rest, an' no address, even if he could help which I doubt." "Eh? I got a note from Wilkins, as it happens." Bill Adams took off his tarpaulin hat, and extracted a paper from the lining of the crown.