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If Judas had been an outsider and had sold for money the knowledge he had gained as a looker-on his name would not have become, as the name of Judas has, a synonym for all that is base and contemptible; and the Christian world would have been without the benefit of that glaring act of perfidy that has sounded its warning through nineteen centuries.

His name for centuries in Scotland and in England had been borne by archbishops and illustrious laymen; and in our own times, in the earlier part of this century, it was the synonym of British philanthropy.

Well, I must tell you myself. I know too well what a shock it will be to your scrupulously sensitive moral code, my dear Mr. At his age too ... the young dog!" "Such boldness is indeed characteristic of the dog, an animal which, as you are aware, was with the ancients a synonym for shamelessness.

It could not well be said in plainer terms, that Imperator is nothing at all but a synonym for rex, just as imperare coincides with regere.

The visitors to this General Conference, seated in their boxes and in the family circle, Will say surely these honored men of God who have been called as Superintendents of the affairs of our great conquering Church, these chosen ministers of reconciliation and peace, these male laymen called by their brethren to their high places in this General Conference, whose names at home are the synonym of chivalrous goodness surely all these of rank and talent and authority, whose able and eloquent words have been ringing through the arches and dome of this temple of music on the wrong side of the question, are but simply acting the parts assigned them.

And so the Old Testament uses the expression, the 'Name' of God, as equivalent to 'that which God is manifested to be. Hence, in later days and there are some tendencies thither even in Scripture in Jewish literature 'the Name' came to be a reverential synonym for God Himself.

Miss Recompense, Madam Royall, who declared she would have been disappointed in Providence if it had been any other way, and Cousin Betty, who was happy as a queen in her own life, though why we should make royalty a synonym for happiness I do not know. "You never could have left Uncle Win," wrote Betty, "and Cary could not have gone away, neither could he have brought home a strange woman.

In one of those brown-stone, palatial houses on Fifth Avenue, which make the name of the street a synonym for almost royal luxury and magnificence, sat Mrs. Andrews's "new governess," a week after her arrival in New York.

Frequently during the last few years I have obtained from students in college, as well as from teachers, brief statements of their idea of study. Fully nine out of every ten have given memorizing as its nearest synonym. It is true that teachers now and then insist that studying should consist of thinking. They even send children to their seats with the direction to "think, think hard."

But subjective is not a synonym of unreal. A recollection is only an image; but it is not therefore a chimera, it is the representation of a vanished reality. It is true that the historian who works with documents has no personal recollections of which he can make direct use; but he forms mental images on the model of his own recollections. This is the postulate of all the documentary sciences.