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His mind was busy with other things; he was thoughtful, abstracted, and upon reaching the stair landing on the second floor, turned toward the front of the house when he should have turned toward the rear. He entered what he supposed to be his room, lit the gas, then stared about him in some perplexity. The room he was in was almost bare of furniture. Even part of the carpet had been taken up.

Except for the single, simple turned newel, the staircase is much like that at Mount Pleasant. There is the similar ramped balustrade and paneled wainscot with ramped surbase and dark wood cap rail along the wall opposite. Little pilasters likewise support this rail, but they are paneled rather than fluted. There are similar scroll-pattern stair ends and paneling under the stairs.

His face, feebly lifted up from the pillow, with its last affectionate smile, the sound of his cough as she stood listening outside on the stair head, haunted her all through that sunshiny June day; and, mingled with it, came ghostly visions of that other day in June her happy Whitsun holiday her first and her last.

She stood there, leaning against the damp wall, crying: "Oh help! Help! Quickly!" There were steps and voices, then the woman whom she had seen before appeared at the turn of the stair holding a lamp. "What is it?" she asked, raising the light high. Maggie did not answer, only leaning there and staring down. "You'd better come, Bill," the woman said. "There's something wrong up 'ere."

When Elder Kinney first saw her, she was coming down stairs. He was standing at the foot of the staircase and waited to say "Good morning." As he looked up at her, he started back and exclaimed: "Why, Draxy, what's the matter?" "Nothing is the matter, sir," said Draxy, as she stepped from the last stair, and standing close in front of him, lifted the new, sweet, softened eyes up to his.

"Now step within, Major, and I will close the door." I did as she requested, hearing the click of the lock behind me, and being as instantly plunged into darkness. I waited a moment, my foot upon the first narrow stair, listening. No sound reached me from without, and, with her animated face still before me in memory, I began to slowly feel my way down the circular staircase.

My heart grew soft over the ancient rug, and I caught a foolish look in Lev-el-Hedyd's eye. As we climbed the mouldering stair to the floor above I expressed surprise that cloth and woodwork should hold together for so many centuries, also saying: "These Mehrikans were not so unworthy as we think them."

Be sure to take good care of yourself and have a good time." Patricia watched her till she turned the corner, and then she closed the door and went slowly across the wide paved courtyard and up the little private stair, smiling to herself. As she closed the door of the sitting-room behind her, she could not resist a prance of joy. "I'm here!" she told herself rapturously.

The top of her head was black, her forehead and face white; and the black and white were shaped so as to look like hair parted over a white forehead, which gave her green eyes a frightfully human look as she crouched in the corner of a window-sill in the light of a gas-lamp outside. But before we reached the top of the first stair we heard the sounds of dancing, as well as of music.

Whither the stair led, I shall have to disclose in my next chapter.