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I asked them if I should open the shutters; but one of them said they didn't care; he said he was never over-fond of books." Mrs. Stanley and Harry here exchanged looks of some surprise. "Did they talk much to each other? do you remember what they said?" continued Harry. "Yes, they talked considerable. I reckon they had been here before, for they seemed to know a good deal about the house.

As he said this, Don Estevan rose, and in his turn paced the floor with an agitated air. Some traces of distrust were still perceptible upon the countenance of the Senator they were noticed by him. "You wish for a more precise explanation?" said he; "you shall have it." The Spaniard approached the window and closed the shutters as if fearful that their conversation might be heard outside.

Having put up the shutters and locked the door, he was quite satisfied on this head. If she had been a Ward in Chancery, it would have made no difference at all to Captain Cuttle. He was the last man in the world to be troubled by any such considerations. So the Captain smoked his pipe very comfortably, and Florence and he meditated after their own manner.

I lay quiet, but I gummed me right eye to a crack av the shutters, an' I saw that the whole street was crammed wid palanquins an' horses, an' a sprinklin' av naked priests all yellow powder an' tigers' tails. But I may tell you, Orth'ris, an' you, Learoyd, that av all the palanquins ours was the most imperial an' magnificent.

In a little while his colleague's "S-s-t!" stopped him, and a slight crack of a finger against a thumb called him to the door, which was open again. Explanation was needless. Hilton Fenley, like the other watchers, hearing the creaking of window and shutters, had looked out from his own darkened room.

I could rig you up a snug shelter, too, in case of accidents. A woodsman ain't in it without his axe." To what strange work that axe would be put ere night again closed its shutters over granite peaks and evergreen forest, Herb Heal little knew; nor could he have guessed that the coming hours would make the most heart-stirring day of his stirring life.

He rose, went up to the window of Phoebicius dwelling, and listened at the half open shutters, but all was still.

She had a servant, a good simple peasant, called Rose. The two women lived in a little house with green shutters by the side of the high road in Normandy, in the centre of the country of Caux. As they had a narrow strip of garden in front of the house, they grew some vegetables. One night someone stole twelve onions.

One or two engravings hung on the wall and a dingy portrait in an old frame. The chairs matched the sofa, one being a comfortable rocker with cover of haircloth. After they had washed the supper dishes, Nettie made ready for the night by putting more coal on the fires and carefully barring the shutters and doors below. Then with a small lamp in her hand she escorted her guest to the upstairs room.

The streets were running rivers, the wind rattling the shutters and flattening the umbrellas of everybody who tried to carry one one of those storms that drives straight at the front of the house, drenching it from chimney to sidewalk. We waited under the gas-lamp, boarded a Sixth Avenue car, and got out at a signal from my companion.