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The question was asked with a final, emphatic stomp, an up-throw of the disheveled head, a spreading outward of both gartered arms. "That's the way t' talk!" vowed the Father. "Shure, a coward needs his own punishment handed t' him! Take yer whippin', Tom Barber, and take it like a man! For it's a whippin' that's justly comin' t' ye this mornin', as all the neighborhood'll agree!" "Where?"

For he has caught a question Uncle Moses just found voice for: "Killed or not?" The old watchman is beginning slowly: "That I would not undertake to say, sir...." when he is cut off short by Mrs. Riley, anxious to attest any pleasant thing, truly if possible; but if otherwise, anyhow! "Kilt is it? No, shure thin! Insinsible."

Pat had succeeded in catching two hogs in his pit-fall, and when the subject of carrying water was discussed, he offered to sew up the skins, so as to form two big leathern bottles. "Where will you find the needles and thread to sew them up?" asked Tom. "The needles! shure, I'd be afther makin' them from bone, and there would be no difficulty in finding the thread."

Murphy, if any of those barbarians dare come into the boats, they will be thrown overboard. Our men will put the barrels on the rocks, and they may take them, but you will give me a receipt for them.” “Shure that I’ll do for you, sir, in a few minutes. Will you favour me with your company to my house?” “By no means; my orders are not to set a foot on shore.

"Shure, there's lots of things ye don't know, me darlint," interjected Gerald. "And he is the man who was with Monkey on the river," added Rand. "And the man that was in the boat the other day," put in Dick. "I hope they catch him!" said Pepper vindictively. "Go for him, Pepper," encouraged Gerald. "And that is what Monkey stole the fish for," continued Pepper. "Of course it was," replied Jack.

The apple-woman had been out to buy some groceries and had just returned. "I am getting anxious about Dodger," said Florence. "It is nine o'clock." "And what's nine o'clock for a boy like him? Shure he's used to bein' out at all hours of the night." "I shall feel relieved when he comes home. What should I do without him?"

McGovery," panted Biddy, "shure you're not down yet, and I only jist begun!" "Indeed, then, Biddy, I am, and quite enough I've had, too, for one while. Here, Corney, come and take my place;" and Denis deposited a penny in a little wooden dish by the piper's side. "By dad, Denis," said Corney, "you'll sleep to-night, any ways to look at you."

"Shure! it's mighty quare I feel," he said, "but if I can but climb on to the back of my baste, well be able to get along somehow." On observing Pat's weakness I felt rather doubtful about this, and saw that it was necessary at all events that he should have a good meal first, and that we should have enough to eat on our journey. The first thing to be done was to get the fire lighted.

They had been true friends to us in our dire necessity, and I returned their mute farewell from my very heart. Mr. S sprang into the sleigh. One of our party was missing. "Jenny!" shouted my brother, at the top of his voice, "it is too cold to keep your mistress and the little children waiting." "Och, shure thin, it is I that am comin'!" returned the old body, as she issued from the house.

"Very good," observed the doctor; "we shall not run short of provisions; but I should have been glad to hear that you had found a case or two containing lime-juice. We must look out for vegetables of some sort, or we may not keep scurvy at bay." "Shure, doesn't this island grow taters?" asked Tim. "I'm afraid not," answered the doctor.