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"Mine are secularist circulars, and yours, I suppose, are the other kind of thing, but you see the same pillar eats them up quite contentedly. The post office is beautifully national, it sets a good example." She spoke lightly, but there was a peculiar tone in her voice which betrayed great weariness.

The result of her study of the life of Christ was at first to make her a much better secularist. She found to her surprise that there was much in His teaching that entirely harmonized with secularism; that, in fact, He spoke a great deal about the improvement of this world, and scarcely at all about that place in the clouds of which Christians made so much.

Here he met Andrews and the Secularist crew face to face; here he grappled in Socratic fashion with objections and difficulties, throwing into the task all his charm and all his knowledge, a man at once of no pretensions and of unfailing natural dignity. Nothing, so far, had served his cause and his influence so well as these moments of free discursive intercourse.

But, by slow degrees, we will say that you perceive a want in the system in which you have been educated, and, after many years of careful study and thought, you are obliged to reject your former beliefs and to accept that other system which shall most recommend itself to you. We will suppose for the sake of analogy that you become a secularist.

Refusal to believe until proof is given is a rational position; denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd. "One last word to my Secularist friends. If you say to me, 'Leave our ranks, I will leave them; I force myself on no party, and the moment I feel myself unwelcome I will go.

Here he met Andrews and the Secularist crew face to face; here he grappled in Socratic fashion with objections and difficulties throwing into the task all his charm and all his knowledge, a man at once of no pretensions and of unfailing natural dignity. Nothing, so far, had served his cause and his influence so well as these moments of free discursive intercourse.

Holyoake, "the Secularist applied himself to the reinspection of the general field of controversy, and the adoption of the following rules, among others, has been the consequence: 1. To disuse the term Atheist, since the public understand by that word one who is without God and also without morality, and who wishes to be without both. 2.

But this old secularist tag, that it is selfish to save one's soul, remains with him long after he has practically glorified selfishness. It is a relic of those chaotic early days.

In taxation, as I have suggested, a highly conservative policy will prevail. In education the secularist programme, if advanced at all, will be overwhelmed by a junction of Catholic and Protestant. For religion, to the anima naturaliter Christiana, of Ireland is not an argument but an intuition.

Craigie sarcastically, "or, better still, to the 'Watch Dog. They always make a good deal of capital out of a convert." Erica colored and had to bite her lip hard to keep back the quick retort which occurred to her all too naturally. By and by Mr. Masterman and another well-known secularist walked in. They both knew of Erica's defection. Mr.