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Years after their death a little black box was found, containing four tiny scraps of paper, undiscovered by Charlotte when she burnt every line left by Anne and Emily except their poems. Two of these four papers were written by Emily, and two by Anne; each sister keeping for the other a record of four years. They begin in eighteen-forty-one.

So, in fitful whispers, the grim scraps of talk went on while the blare of the trumpets of the Night was loosened over the sea. "Look over the port-side, there. It's beginning." Ferrier could make out nothing until the skipper gave him the exact line to look on. Then he saw a Something that seemed to wallow darkly on a dark tumble of criss-cross seas. "He's bottom up, sir.

"Why stories about how he was chased and captured by outlaws, and lassoed bears, and had scraps with Mexicans, and was in wild caves and forest fires, and lots about a Texas ranger who always carried two big guns. I've had the nightmare ever since we've been in the training-house. Oh, Ken can tell stories all right. He's as much imagination as he's got speed with a ball.

I did not sleep at night, but visited the yards, and walked about the terraces, acting as general guard over our own house and those of the neighbours; and my master was so pleased with my good service, that he gave orders I should be well treated, and have a ration of bread, with the bones from his table, and the kitchen scraps.

When I was a boy, my father, whose memory was stored with innumerable scraps of the old viking sagas, or stories, used to tell me about the discovery of Vinland by the Norsemen, which is just the land that seems to have been re-discovered by Columbus and Cabot. My father used to say that many of the written sagas were believed to exist among the colonists of Iceland. I know not.

I blush at such chaos. My soul appears to me only fit to compare with one of those wretched table-cloths which country dressmakers patch together, at the end of the year, out of the thousand scraps of the thousand different materials which they have cut during the season. But is not this the natural result of the diversity of our feminine souls?

Then he became quiet, and uttered his call for some time, and soon after settled for the night, sleeping well and even dreaming, as was evident from the muffled scraps of song and whispered calls that came from his cage.

I've watched Bob we were in school together, and he was always impudent and overbearing to me when I was a little fellow. I've felt that some day we'd have it out together. I'm glad it's over, and that I had the good fortune to serve you at the same time." Mr. Dana thanked Quincy for his defence of his daughter from further insult and perhaps injury. "I've been in a good many scraps myself, Mr.

The worst symptoms have yielded to scraps of barbed wire in my own case. But these Emus died in spite of all remedies." "But I heard," said the Kangaroo, "that Emus were protected by the Government. I never understood why." "We are protected," said the huge bird, "because we form part of the Australian Arms." "So do we," said the Kangaroo, "but we are not protected."

We must certainly learn how to cook eggs and vegetables before we return to the earth." The character of our conversation, judged from these scraps, shows that we had no excuse for remaining awake any longer. Next morning we arose early, but found the family already up.