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They are manifold, such as diseases whereby the whole body is so far infected that the contagion may prove fatal; of this nature are malignant and pestilential fevers, leprosies, the venereal disease, gangrenes, cancers, and the like; also diseases whereby the whole body is so far weighed down, as to admit of no consociability, and from which exhale dangerous effluvia and noxious vapors, whether from the surface of the body, or from its inward parts, in particular from the stomach and lungs; from the surface of the body proceed malignant pocks, warts, pustules, scorbutic phthisic, virulent scab, especially if the face be defiled thereby: from the stomach proceed foul, stinking, rank and crude eructations: from the lungs, filthy and putrid exhalations, arising from imposthumes, ulcers, abcesses, or from vitiated blood or lymph therein.

At that moment the revolver went off, and he collapsed prone upon the body of the scab. And the bodies of three men hung on her picket fence. Anything could happen now. Quite without surprise, she saw the strikers leaping the fence, trampling her few little geraniums and pansies into the earth as they fled between Mercedes' house and hers.

"Gawd," said the zouave, "you got a dirty jab on your cocanut, didn't you?" The bandage had slipped, displaying the black scab of the scarcely healed wound; and Berkley absently replaced it. "That'll ketch the girls," observed the zouave with conviction. "Damn it, I've only got a sprained ankle to show my girl." "The war's not over," said Berkley indifferently.

Poor, miserable, contemptible scab." "Never apply that name to me again!" shouted Guerin, and this time it was not his fist but the coal-pick he shoved up into the very face of the engineer. "Why?" "Because it is dangerous; you nearly lost your life." The engineer made no reply. "And what if you had?" the fireman went on, for it was his turn to talk now.

Wagner should be glad that he is dead." "Wagner? Who is Wagner?" inquired Mr. Ryan. "No one, no one!" replied Von Barwig, shaking his head, "he did not belong to the Union " "Then he's a scab," remarked Mr. Ryan. Von Barwig looked at him and burst out laughing, the laughter of despair. Pinac and Fico looked at each other.

Do you know, Guy, I think we shall have no scab in the fold this year. If so, there will be a rare sum to lay by! Things look up with us now, Guy." Guy Bolding. "Yes. Very different from the first two years. You drew a long face then. How wise you were, to insist on our learning experience at another man's station before we hazarded our own capital!

Nor could he have guessed that the particular five dollars that belonged to him had been appropriated by the business manager for the painting of his house in Alameda, which painting he performed himself, on week-day afternoons, because he could not afford to pay union wages and because the first scab he had employed had had a ladder jerked out from under him and been sent to the hospital with a broken collar-bone.

It destroys the diseased part, but doesn't affect the sound." "Do sheep have many diseases?" asked Miss Laura. "I know one of them myself that is the scab." "A nasty thing that," said Mr. Wood, vigorously; "and a man that builds up a flock from a stockyard often finds it out to his cost." "What is it like?" asked Miss Laura.

He employed Chinese cooks, and that in the height of the anti-Chinese agitation in Australia, and he was known to have kindly feelings towards the Afghans who, with their camels, were running white carriers off the roads. If an excited Unionist called a man a "blackleg" or "scab" in the Imperial bar he was run out sometimes with great difficulty, and occasionally as far as the lock-up.

Yet Apuleius counted the sorrows of the ill-used ass, and, speaking of the same flour mill, he describes the old mules and pack-horses labouring there, with drooping heads, their necks swollen with gangrenes and putrid sores, their nostrils panting with the harsh cough that continually racked them, their chests ulcerated by the ceaseless rubbing of their hempen harness, their hoofs swollen to an enormous size as the result of their long journeys round the mill, their ribs laid bare even to the bone by their endless floggings, and all their hides rough with the scab of neglect and decay.