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Cannot we see the flush of surprise and modesty on Saul's cheek, as he tore the pieces from the significant 'shoulder, and hear the whispers that ran through the guest-chamber? IV. The private colloquy. When the simple feast was over, the strangely assorted pair went down to Samuel's house, and there, on the quiet house-top, where were no curious ears, held long and earnest talk.

"How much you know!" he said, then closed it again. "Are you comfortable, Benjamin?" Dr. Lavendar asked him. There was no reply. Samuel's face reddened. "You can't tell when he hears," he said. It was then that Simmons put out his hand and patted the bedclothes over the old feet.

Thus you get glimpses of Seattle, Steilacoom, Tacoma, and of the so-called saw-mill ports Port Madison, Port Gamble, Port Ludlow, and Port Townsend the last named being also the boundary of our Uncle Samuel's dominions for the present, and the port of entry for this district, with a custom-house which looks like a barn, and a collector and inspectors, the latter of whom examine your trunk as you return from Victoria to save you from the sin of smuggling.

It proves to be the 'shoulder' or 'thigh, the priest's perquisite, and therefore probably Samuel's. To give this to another was equivalent to putting him in Samuel's place; and Samuel's words in handing it to Saul make its meaning plain. It is 'that which hath been reserved. It has been 'kept for thee' till 'the appointed time, and that with a view to the assembled guests.

He was a young chap, frank and boyish-looking, and Samuel's heart warmed to him at once. "Comrade Everley," said the carpet designer, "here is a boy you ought to help. Tell him all about it, Samuel you can trust him." So Samuel told his tale once more. And the other listened with breathless interest, and with many exclamations of incredulity and delight.

Gradually she had constructed a chart of Samuel's individuality, with the submerged rocks and perilous currents all carefully marked, so that she could now voyage unalarmed in those seas. But nothing happened. Unless their visits to Buxton could be called happenings! Decidedly the visit to Buxton was the one little hill that rose out of the level plain of the year.

Eli's family was exterminated; Shiloh seems to have been destroyed, or, at all events, forsaken; and for twenty years internal disorganisation and foreign oppression, relieved only by Samuel's growing influence, prevailed. But during these dark days a better mind was slowly appearing among the people. 'All ... Israel lamented after the Lord. Lost blessings are precious.

"Oh, please, please stop!" he cried wildly. "I can't live without him!" she wailed again and again. "I can't live without him! What am I going to do?" Samuel's heart was wrung. He went to the girl, and put his hand upon her arm. "Listen to me," he said earnestly. "Let me try to help you." "What can you do?" she demanded. "I'll go and see him. I'll plead with him perhaps he'll listen to me."

He continued to lead the life of a shepherd until, at the age of twenty-eight, he was anointed king by Samuel, who was taught by a special revelation that the despised youngest son of Jesse was to be king. Samuel's first charge had been to anoint one of the sons of Jesse, but he was not told which one. When he saw the oldest, Eliab, he thought him the king of God's choice.

On the morrow, as agreed upon, they went forth upon the memorable errand. Benjamin felt like an uncaged bird, and was highly elated by his prospects. Their first call was at Samuel's shop, where they could see a line of cutlery that was quite ample for that day. Samuel explained his methods, use of tools, etc., and Benjamin listened.