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Pretty Pierre watched the great head of the Idiot as it swung heavily on his shoulders, and then said: "'Mais, like that, so!" and turned away. When the party were about to sally forth on their perilous path to safety, Gyng stood and cried angrily: "Well, why hasn't some one bundled up that moth-eaten Caliban? Curse it all, must I do everything myself?"

Without being quite such a groom as any of my cousins, I had learned at Osbaldistone Hall to dress and saddle my own horse, and in a few minutes I was mounted and ready for my sally.

"Why shouldn't I, when I'm telling the truth?" "For one thing, Miss Ismay wouldn't like it." Gregory's face hardened. "I'm not sure she'd mind. Anyway, Miss Ismay doesn't like many things I'm in the habit of doing." Sally, who had watched him closely, turned away again, but a thrill of exultation ran through her.

's. The mulatto woman, Sally, accosted me again to-day, and begged that she might be put to some other than field labour.

Hanmer, with a bow and hand lifted to the salute, stalked out at their heels. "I'll warrant Jack Hanmer 'd liefer walk up to a gun," swore Captain Harry as the curtain fell behind them. "He bolts from the sight of Sally. I'll make Sally laugh over this." But here he pulled himself up and added beneath his voice, "I can't tell her, though."

"Lawful sakes, Polly, it kind o' renews one's youth to get a new ship done," said the Captain, skipping in at another door. "Sort o' puts me in mind o' that I went out cap'en in when I was jist beginning to court you, as somebody else is courtin' our Sally here." "Now, father," said Sally, threateningly, "what did I tell you?"

The work was now wholly laid aside, and the stand cleared to receive the refreshments. "Now pare your peels in one piece, girls," Miss Betsy advised, "and then whirl 'em to find the initials o' your sweethearts' names." "You, too, Miss Betsy!" cried Sally, "we must find out the widower's name!" "The widower's name," Miss Betsy gravely repeated, as she took a knife.

Curzon had spoken, and he spoke with no uncertain sound. He seemed to know about it. "Won't the rector come?" asked Sally again. But Allison shook his head. "No, no; we'd words to-day. I can't mind what about; but it don't matter much. I told 'un not to come." But as he spoke a step fell on the stair, and the next moment Mr.

Sally Sellers immediately and vividly realized that she was become a new being; a being of a far higher and worthier sort than she had been such a little while before; an earnest being, in place of a dreamer; and supplied with a reason for her presence in the world, where merely a wistful and troubled curiosity about it had existed before.

Carmyle frowned again. The subject of Ginger was plainly a sore one. "And I don't want to know," he went on heatedly, a dull flush rising in the cheeks which Sally was sure he had to shave twice a day. "I don't care to know. The Family have washed their hands of him. For the future he may look after himself as best he can. I believe he is off his head."