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The sea was calm as a mill-pond, and the moon was at the full. I lay back with my face turned to the heavens and my fingers trailing in the cool water. Mr. Dale rowed on until the lights on shore seemed mere specks, and we could just perceive the gentle roll of the Atlantic swell. He rested on his oars and listened.

I told him, and he hurried with me to the doctor, who was putting on his coat, after finishing the last dressing of the injured men. "Here, doctor," cried Mr Reardon sharply, "I've another man down boy, I mean." "What, young Smith? I've dressed his wound." "No, no; Barkins has been touched too." "Tut, tut!" cried the doctor, taking up a roll of bandage. "Are they bringing him?"

I returned to report these facts, received an indifferent nod, and, under further instruction, went quietly to camp to await the agreed hour. We started up the trail about eight o'clock. Yank insisted that he was going, if he had to roll all the way; but after a little we simultaneously remembered that the Moreñas had owned horses.

"For Heaven's sake, somebody roll me a cigarette! I'm too wore out to do a thing, and I haven't had a smoke since dinner," he groaned, after a minute. "Sick?" asked Pink solicitously. "Sick as a dog! water, water!" moaned Andy. All at once he rolled over upon his face and shook with laughter more than a little hysterical, and to the questioning of the Happy Family gave no answer but howls.

Bending over a soldier with a gaping, bloody hole in his side, Zaidos turned to the hospital corps pouch spread open beside him, and felt for a roll of gauze bandage. One little roll remained. "Get back to the hospital and get another outfit of gauze and tape," he ordered Velo. Velo stood up and straightened his back. He looked down at Zaidos, then his gaze traveled to the unconscious soldier.

But, in any case, you also have clocks in your master's rooms, so that at 6.30, I shall come and read the roll, and at ten you'll have breakfast. Whenever there is any indent of any permits to be made or any report to be submitted, it should be done at 11.30 a.m. and no later.

And on this Roll Coke among other things infers, that the Physicians may use the aid of those Chirurgeons named in the Warrant, but of no Apothecary, but to prepare and do all things themselves, &c. And the reason of all this is, the precious regard had of the health and safety of the King, who is the head of the Common-wealth.

"Here are the nine thousand dollars," said the captain, drawing a roll of paper dollars from his pocket. "Will you have a receipt for it?" asked Barbicane, taking the sum. "If you do not mind," answered Nicholl; "it is more business-like."

Tell me: what pulls people into a theatre? A good play? Sometimes. But failing that, as in the present case, what? Fine acting by the leading juvenile? We have that, but it is not enough. No, my boy; advertisement is the thing. Look at all these men on the beach. Are they going to roll in of their own free wills to see a play like The Footpills? Not on your life.

And I strave to my feet, that I should come to the Maid, before the Humpt Man; and surely I gat upright, and went with a strange running, and did roll, and lo! I fell immediate, ere I was come to her. And the Humpt Man to run also; and surely it did be a dreadful race; for I went creeping and did be weak and as that I was of lead.