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A slight population movement toward the more urban planets and the more densely populated centers. A trend downward in employment nonworking population increasing by about .0001 per cent annually. Not that they were building better robots; they were just building them faster than they wore out.

IBM'rs made good money it was conceded but they had to wear white shirts and ties; they were considered sell outs, one step removed from robots. Gino told a story about a friend of his who had struggled through a university degree in engineering. "He was halfway through, dropped out, and got drafted.

Far ahead, he knew, other rat robots were stationed, watching and waiting, ready to deactivate the Nipe's detection devices at just the right moment. Behind him, another horde moved forward to turn the devices on again. It had taken a long time to learn how to shut off those detectors without giving the alarm to the Nipe's instruments.

The distant form rose lightly, skimmed low over the open area between, and grew into the grinning, freckle-faced Ban Wilson. He bounced down awkwardly, almost losing his balance, then surveyed, wonderingly, the four assistants of Ku Sui. "By Betelgeuse!" he muttered, " like robots! Horrible!" "Yes," said the Hawk shortly. "You had no trouble, eh?" Ban grinned again. "Nothing to mention.

Message: You are hereby notified that the committee by a vote of 17-0 has decided to rescind its order of January 18, 2214, directing the disposal of the permallium robots of Grismet. Instead, the committee directs that you remove from their confinement all the robots and put them in some safe place where they will be afforded reasonable and humane treatment.

I've found out where he put our armor and guns, and I've located all the main leads, controls, and generators. There are no ether-walls around us here, but every door is shielded, and there are guards outside our doors one to each of us. They're robots, not men.

A mere theorist and charged with preparing the plan of a new constitution, he had reasoned as if the drivers on the box were not men, but robots: perched above all, a grand-elector, a show sovereign, with two places to dispose of and always passive, except to appoint or revoke two active sovereigns, the two governing consuls.

Though, matter of fact, I'm hanged if I ever did quite see why you senior-level robots get so worked up about your identities." "Wouldn't you, Mr. Tilman?" "Of course. But well, yes, I suppose I do see, in a way. Let's go see Bennie-boy." So Ben Tilman went into the nursery and enjoyed every second of a fast fifteen-minute roughhouse with his round-faced, laughing, chubby son and heir.

He knew what went into it, and he had some conception of the society that would develop things like that. "I take it you don't use many human servants, with robots like that," he said. "Not many. We're all low-population planets, and nobody wants to be a servant." "We have too many people on Marduk, and all of them want soft jobs as nobles' servants," the captain said.

Three more of the frightful space-bombs had to be exploded in it it had to be reduced to junk before its terrible rays went out; Not a man in that great fleet had even an inkling of the truth; that those great vessels, those terrible engines of destruction, did not contain a single living creature: that they were manned and fought by automatons; robots controlled by keen-eyed, space-hardened veterans inside the planetoid so distant by means of tight, interference-proof communicator beams!