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The best man they have is Vinoy; he is honest, disinterested, and determined. It is to be hoped that if Trochu resigns, he will take his place. January 22nd. So poor Jonah has gone over, and been swallowed up by the whale. He still remains the head of the civil government, but it only is as a figure-head. He is an upright man; but as a military chief he has proved himself a complete failure.

Speak frankly!" "These things," replied the major-domo, after a brief hesitation, "are the melancholy moods to which his Majesty often resigns himself for hours." "And which remind you of Queen Juana, our unhappy mother?" asked the Queen with downcast eyes. "Remind is a word which your Majesty will permit me to disclaim," replied Quijada resolutely.

To what persons or to whose system of politics you owe your present state of wretchedness, is a matter of total indifference to America. They have contributed, however unwillingly, to set her above themselves, and she, in the tranquillity of conquest, resigns the inquiry. The case now is not so properly who began the war, as who continues it.

Lacheneur saw plainly that it would be impossible to escape this interview, so, with the gesture of a man who resigns himself to a necessity, addressing his son and Chanlouineau, he said: "Go outside for a few moments." They obeyed, and as soon as the door had closed behind them, Lacheneur said: "I know very well, Monsieur, the arguments you intend to advance; and the reason of your coming.

In the evening, I hear bells and guns, and see the blazing of a thousand bonfires. A young Admiral, of noble birth, doth likewise, this month, gain immortal honour by a great achievement. The affairs of Poland are, this month, entirely settled. AUGUSTUS resigns his pretensions, which he had again taken up for some time.

And this is what a man is to expect so long as he remains in public life if he succeeds. He resigns a large income, reduces his family almost to poverty, works himself half to death, rescues the country from contempt, launches it upon the sea of prosperity; and his public rewards are more than counterbalanced by the persecutions of his enemies.

I was silent during the repast, but at dessert, M. de Voltaire, knowing that I had reasons for not liking the Venetian Government, introduced the subject; but I disappointed him, as I maintained that in no country could a man enjoy more perfect liberty than in Venice. "Yes," said he, "provided he resigns himself to play the part of a dumb man."

December 5 Premier Herbert Asquith of England resigns. Dec. 7 David Lloyd George accepts British premiership. Dec. 8 Gen. von Mackensen captures big Roumanian army in Prohova valley. Dec. 12 Chancellor von Bethman-Hollweg announces in reichstag that Germany will propose peace; new cabinet in France under Aristide Briand as premier, and Gen.

"Guess we'll let Ovid git through when he comes back," said Deacon Pettybone, harshly, making use of the mountain term to denote discharge. There no one is ever discharged, no one ever resigns. The single phrase covers both actions the individual "gets through."

"I know what you've come to say," I began, "but don't say it. I shall keep to my tent for the present." "Then you won't have a tent to keep to," retorted he. "Very well," said I. "My private affairs will give me all the occupation I need." He laughed. "The general resigns from the command of the army to play with a box of lead soldiers."