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Guns in Speed in Hull. Batteries. knots/hour. Reina Christina 3,520 21 17.5 Steel Aragon 3,342 24 17.5 Steel Cartilla 3,342 22 17.5 Steel Navarra 3,342 16 17.5 Steel Alfonso XII 3,090 23 17.5 Steel Reina Mercedes 3,090 21 17.5 Steel Velasco 1,152 7 14.3 Steel C. de Venadito 1,130 13 14.0 Steel Ulloa 1,130 12 14.0 Steel Austria 1,130 12 14.0 Steel Isabel 1,130 15 14.0 Steel Isabel II 1,130 16 14.0 Steel Isla de Cuba 1,030 12 16.0 Steel Isla de Luzon 1,030 12 16.0 Steel Ensenada 1,030 13 15.0 Steel Quiros 315 0 0 Iron Villabolas 315 0 0 Iron 935 5 0 Wood

Mi reina! and sometimes breaking through the formal etiquette that in Spain governs every separate action of life, and sets limits even to the sorrow of a King, he would clutch at the pale jewelled hands in a wild agony of grief, and try to wake by his mad kisses the cold painted face.

Hardly two hours later the American squadron advanced again to the attack, and Admiral Montojo was observed to transfer his flag from the doomed Reina Cristina to the Isla de Cuba, which soon after was also ablaze. Amid the crash and roar of the ponderous guns sounded the shrieks and cries of mortal agony from the Spanish crews, victims to the matchless gunnery of the Americans.

On board the Spanish ship Reina Mercedes, a lieutenant and five seamen had been killed, and seventeen wounded; the vessel was set on fire no less than three times, and otherwise seriously damaged by the missiles. Near about Morro Castle, although none of the American guns were aimed at that structure, two were killed and four wounded, while on Smith Cay great havoc was wrought.

Commodore Dewey drew off to replenish his magazines, of whose shortness of supply he had received disturbing reports. Advantage was taken of the cessation to give the men breakfast, for it is a well accepted principle that sailors as well as soldiers fight best upon full stomachs. As the wind blew aside the dense smoke, it was seen that the Reina Cristina, the Spanish flagship, was in flames.

To the same period belongs, no doubt, the noble full-length of Charles in gala court costume which now hangs in the Sala de la Reina Isabel in the Prado Gallery, as a pendant to Titian's portrait of Philip II. in youth.

Many of them began to weep. Ay reina y soberana! How she must be suffering! A mother finding her boy in a fix like that! Suppose I should meet my boy do you see him over there, and isn't he handsome? handcuffed, and on the way to the penitentiary! And I'm only an ordinary mother!

After breakfast had been served and the ships made ready for the second round, or, in other words, at 10.15 in the forenoon, the Spanish flag-ship Reina Christina hauled down her colours, and the admiral’s flag was transferred to the Isla de Cuba. At 10.45 a signal was made from the Olympia: “Get under way with men at quarters.”

Admiral Montojo’s flag-ship, the Reina Cristina, made a sudden dash from the line in the middle of the combat, with the evident hope of ramming and sinking the Olympia. The attempt was a desperate one, the fire of the entire fleet being concentrated on the single antagonist, until the storm of projectiles grew so terrific that utter annihilation seemed at hand.

This duty was performed by Commander E. P. Wood in the most expeditious and complete manner possible. “The Spanish lost the following vessels: “Sunk: Reina Christina, Castilla, Don Antonio de Ulloa. “Burned: Don Juan de Austria, Isla de Luzon, Isla de Cuba, General Lezo, Marques del Duero, El Correo, Velasco, and Isla de Mindanao, transport.