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As the quaggas went off in the same direction which the eland had taken, of course Hendrik's road and theirs lay so far together; and on galloped he at their heels. He was curious to try the point much disputed in regard to horses how far a mounted quagga would be able to cope with an unmounted one.

He told me that the animal was a quagga, which somewhat resembles a well-shaped ass. In vain the quagga tried to get out by the most desperate efforts. Sometimes its fore feet almost touched the top of the bank, but again and again it fell back.

The quagga still held his struggling victim with firm hold trampling it with his hoofs, and shaking it in his strong jaws, until in a few minutes the screams of the hyena ceased, and his mangled carcass lay motionless upon the plain! One would think that this incident might have been enough to warn our hunters to be cautious in their dealings with the quagga.

Blyth has seen a specimen of the hemionus with a distinct shoulder-stripe, though it properly has none; and I have been informed by Colonel Poole that foals of this species are generally striped on the legs and faintly on the shoulder. The quagga, though so plainly barred like a zebra over the body, is without bars on the legs; but Dr.

In such a fashion they could not make out what kind of creature was coming towards them; but stood for a long while gazing at Hendrik and his quagga with feelings of curiosity, and of course some little alarm. They, however, permitted the hunter to get within five hundred yards distance near enough for him before they broke off in their heavy lumbering gallop.

Yes, I see now; there is a man leading a horse with one hand and a small animal with the other. I do believe it is Crawford. The animal is a quagga. Every now and then the creature begins to frisk about and pull away from him. He has a hard matter to get it along, that is very evident. Now he stops and is patting the creature, now they are coming on again.

White men, outside of the western border of the continent of Europe, do not eat horses; and by this token there is no reason why a zebra should be shot as a "game" animal, any more than a baboon. A big male baboon is dangerous; a male zebra is not. Nevertheless, white men have elected to shoot zebras as game; and under this curse the unfortunate quagga fell to rise no more.

A great enemy to night-plunderers was that same gun-trap. Now that the beasts of prey had been destroyed, or driven from about the camp, there was no longer any danger in that quarter, and the children could be left by themselves. Totty of course always stayed with them; while the four hunters went forth upon the chase of the elephant each mounted upon his quagga.

"No," replied Swinton, "I have them already; I just thought it possible that you might have killed a zebra." "Well, have we not? there are three of them." "No, my good fellow, they are not of the real zebra species; they belong to a class described by Burchell, the traveler, which is termed the striped quagga.

He remembered that in taming this same quagga and breaking him to the saddle, he had been vastly aided by a very simple contrivance that was a "blind." The blind was nothing more than a piece of soft leather tied over the animal's eyes; but so complete had been its effect, that it had transformed the quagga at once from a kicking screaming creature into a docile animal.