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John, may I change the theme for one instant? What a god-like person is that de Hamal! What a nose on his face perfect! Model one in putty or clay, you could not make a better or straighter, or neater; and then, such classic lips and chin and his bearing sublime." "De Hamal is an unutterable puppy, besides being a very white-livered hero." "You, Dr.

'Ye'll not take her oot wi' a solution o' continuity that like. "'They'll putty it up this evening, he said. 'I'm a married man, an' ye used to know the Board. "I e'en said what was gied me in that hour. Ye know how a drydock echoes. I saw young Steiner standin' listenin' above me, an', man, he used language provocative of a breach o' the peace.

It has been made plain that his relations with his employer and the kind and lovable Polly were on a satisfactory and permanent footing. "I'm dum'd," said David to Dick Larrabee, "if it hain't got putty near to the p'int when if I want to git anythin' out o' the common run out o' Polly, I'll have to ask John to fix it fer me. She's like a cow with a calf," he declared.

Putty soon come another knock, an' in come the feller with a silver tray covered with a big napkin, an' on it was a couple of rolls wrapped up in a napkin, a b'iled egg done up in another napkin, a cup an' saucer, a little chiney coffee-pot, a little pitcher of cream, some loaf sugar in a silver dish, a little pancake of butter, a silver knife, two little spoons like what the childern play with, a silver pepper duster an' salt dish, an' an orange.

The whole loft of the house from end to end makes one undivided chamber; here are set forth tables on which to model imaginary or actual countries in putty or plaster, with tools and hardy pigments; a carpenter's bench; and a spared corner for photography, while at the far end a space is kept clear for playing soldiers.

She's putty popular, Polly is," he concluded. "I should think so, indeed," remarked John.

And folks was beginnin' to think putty well of him, as folks allers does when a body is up in the world, and hes houses and lands. Lordy massy! riches allers covers a multitude o' sins.

Presently he fell upon his knees in the pit, and, burying his naked arms up to the elbows in gold, let them there remain, as if enjoying the luxury of a bath. At length, with a deep sigh, he exclaimed, as if in a soliloquy: "And dis all cum ob de goole-bug! de putty goole-bug! de poor little goole-bug, what I boosed in dat sabage kind ob style! Aint you shamed ob yourself, nigger? answer me dat!"

The beachcomber himself, pale as putty through his half-grown beard, was beseeching us from the pink penumbra of the Apostle Paul: "You seen it? You seen what I seen?" but Miah wouldn't hear him, and mounting the steps and passing dull-footed through the vestry, came into the veiled light and heavy scent of breath and flowers.

This appeared to be good advice, and an hour after the departure of Yates and the others they mounted and set off. Less than half a mile had been covered when, of a sudden, there came a shot, and a bullet cut through the brush beside them. "Hullo! this won't do!" cried the old miner. "Come out of sight, an' be putty quick about it, too!" They rode into a patch of wood and halted.