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My solicitor knows the facts of the matter, and so does Mrs. Cunningham, who brought Millicent over from India when she was only about a year old. I may say that I especially urged that it would not be fair to you to be brought up to consider yourself to be heir to the property, but he said: "'Putting aside the estate, I have a considerable fortune.

"I told you, Agnes " "I couldn't say no to him, sir." "Why not? Here!" he took the card. "Why not?" he repeated, when he had read the name. "It wasn't in me to, sir." "Well, then I shall have to see him. Show him up. But never again will I call you by the proud name of Cerberus." So, putting the onus upon Agnes, the professor yielded, murmuring to himself: "It wasn't in her to! Very expressive!

You cannot see it, but it is there, as you may prove by putting your cap out of window, which in a second will begin to fall down, as you would if you were tilted out.

"I do not entirely understand you, my dear Madam, and I wish that I might have many days to talk with you about these American customs," I said as I put into my pocket the exchange money handed to me by the garçon. "Well, it is not exactly an American custom I have been putting you next to, and I guess I'm patriotically glad that you don't entirely understand.

Although Clubfoot was credited with large numbers of dead steers found on the ranges, he was conscious of his own innocence, due to some extent to the loss of most of his teeth, and he had better reason than the cow-men had for putting it up to Jerky. These particulars concerning Mr.

Elisheba was directing the slaves who were putting the finishing touches to the packing; Milcah sat with her cat in her lap, gazing into vacancy. No one heeded or spoke to her.

Will you confide in me and trust me, and will you remember that in so doing you are not putting yourself under the slightest obligation?" She looked at me very earnestly for a moment, and then without replying directly to my questions, she said in a low tone, "You are the very best friend I have ever had." "Florence!"

We did not know anything about flowers except the delight they gave us, and I dare say I am putting some together which would not be out at the same time, but that is how the picture comes back to my memory.

The apologetic, easy-going air with which this phrase was spoken maddened Montgomery; he could have struck his friend full in the face, but for the sake of the woman he was obliged to keep his temper. 'Putting aside the question of what you owe and what you don't owe, I'd like to ask you where you could find a nicer wife?

Sherlock Holmes laughed. "Here is the foresight," said he putting his finger upon the little disc and loop of the hat-securer. "They are never sold upon hats. If this man ordered one, it is a sign of a certain amount of foresight, since he went out of his way to take this precaution against the wind.