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Prostrated but more distrustful of each other with a crime between them, they went slowly over to the grey window, cleansed by a streak of twilight. How much they were like themselves on the other evening. It /was/ the other evening. Never had the impression been borne in upon me so strongly that actions are vain and pass like phantoms. The man was seized with a trembling.

Henry S. Foote, at the base of the Washington Monument. Returning from the celebration much heated and fatigued, he partook too freely of his favorite iced milk with cherries, and during that night was seized with a severe colic, which by morning had quite prostrated him.

Harley is off fishing at Barnegat and do you know why?" "I presume he has gone there to recuperate," she said. "Precisely," said I. "After his ungentlemanly, discourteous, and wholly uncalled-for interference with my comfort at Newport," she said, her face flushing and tears coming into her eyes, "I don't wonder he's prostrated." "I do not know to what you refer," said I.

She forthwith pretended to rise, but did not actually get up, and with a face radiant with smiles, she ascertained about their health, after which she went in to chide Chou Jui's wife. "Why didn't you tell me they had come before?" she said. Old goody Liu was already by this time prostrated on the ground, and after making several obeisances, "How are you, my lady?" she inquired. "Dear Mrs.

I have related this incident. Malarmet had announced it to Dupont de Bussac, but the blow of the 4th had prostrated Paris. The populace no longer stirred.

The measures of the Federal Government have, it is true, prostrated her interests, and will soon involve the whole South in irretrievable ruin. But even this evil, great as it is, is not the chief ground of our complaints.

At the same time, I looked at Eg-Anteouen. Absorbed in his prayer, bowed toward the west, apparently he was paying no attention to me. As he prostrated himself, I called again. "Bou-Djema, come with me to my mehari; I want to get something out of the saddle bags." Still kneeling, Eg-Anteouen was mumbling his prayer slowly, composedly. But Bou-Djema had not budged.

He prostrated himself a dozen times before the wonderfully clever genius who was in command, twice bumping his head against exceedingly hard rocks that he had been unable to see when he began his precipitous collapse to reverence. It was after midnight before the army in ambush was ready for the conflict.

ZARB I wish I were you, Argimenes. KING ARGIMENES I am not to be envied any longer. I have eaten up my bone. ZARB I wish I were you, because you have been a King. Because men have prostrated themselves before your feet. Because you have ridden a horse and worn a crown and have been called Majesty. KING ARGIMENES When I remember that I have been a king it is very terrible.

I hear the German consul was on this day prostrated with fever; charity at least must suppose him hardly answerable for his language. Early on the 21st, Mr. Mansfield Gallien, a passing traveller, was seized in his berth on board the Richmond, and carried, half-dressed, on board a German war-ship. His offence was, in the circumstances and after the proclamation, substantial.