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"But," answered Leonard, "if I grant this, I fear that you have some intention of suffering the votes that your resignation would release to favour Leslie at the expense of Egerton." "What the deuce is Egerton to you?" "Nothing, except through my gratitude to his friend Lord L'Estrange." "Pooh! I will tell you a secret.

I'm glad to see us lived that we can have our say in the laws now same as the men, and not have to swaller anythink they liked to put upon us to soot theirselves," and the old dame, with a splendid light in her eye, rubbed the creases out of the paper and spread it out again. "Pooh, it's the same as we've had all along.

You and I will always be together, and you shall talk to me, and Madame may ruralize on that green terrace with her book and big parasol; depend upon it we shall be happy." "Now, it is my turn to say pooh! pooh! Don't you know that even the larks have to work to get them food?" "Oh certainly, that I allow. I have no objection to help myself.

The Greek threw out his hands with a little grimace. "Nerves," he said. "I haven't got over that affair with the White girl." "Pooh!" said the other. "If the police were moving in that matter, they'd have moved long ago. You are worrying yourself unnecessarily, Phillopolis." Pinto's words slipped glibly from his tongue, but Phillopolis was unimpressed. "I know when I've had enough," he said.

Farquhar, 'and why should thuch people come here, unleth they had particular reathonth for preferring a neighbourhood where they are not known? Pooh! it lookth bad on the very fathe of it. You called on them, now; how did you find them? 'O! Mr. Bridmain strikes me as a common sort of man, who is making an effort to seem wise and well-bred.

"Signor della Rebbia, you did wrong! You must give me your word of honour to abstain from all violence, and to wait till the law settles this cursed business." "Yes, Signor Prefetto, I was wrong to strike that villain. But I did strike him, after all, and I can't refuse him the satisfaction he has demanded of me." "Pooh! no! He doesn't want to fight you! But supposing he murders you?

I'm going to take you in hand. I may even have to be severe with you but all for your own good." She spoke with icy conviction. There was a new, cold gleam in her prying eyes. The judge suffered genuinely. "I should think you had learned things!" he protested, miserably. "For one thing, miss, that skirt ain't a respectable garment." Winona slid one foot toward him. "Pooh! Don't be silly!"

They not talk about their ways to other men. So nobody knows what they do at home." Simon lowered his voice. "Some say cannibals." "Pooh!" said Ambrose, "that yarn is told about every strange tribe!" "Maybe," said Simon, cautiously. "I do not know myself." The Indian boy returning, signified that Joey Providence Watusk awaited them.

The Press looked out the window. Dad commenced to butcher his gums with the pocket-knife, and threatened to put the fire out with blood and saliva. "Let's have a look at the tooth, old man," the pressman said, approaching Dad. Dad submitted. "Pooh! I'll take that out in one act!"...To Joe "Got a good strong piece of string?"

What if my wrist goes lame during the game?" "Pooh! I don't believe it will, or can," Dave retorted. "You're in much too fine shape for that, Dick." "Other pitchers have often had to be retired before a game ended," Prescott rejoined, gravely. "And I don't believe that I am the greatest or the most enduring ever. Keep yourself up, Dave! Be ready for the call at any second."