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Here in this Art of Tradition, which comprehends the whole subject of the human speech from the new ground of the common nature in man that double nature which tends to isolation on the one hand, and which makes him a part and a member of society on the other; we find it treated, first, as a means by which men come simply to a common understanding with each other, by which that common ground, that ground of community, and communication, and identity, which a common understanding in this kind makes, can be best reached; and next we find it treated as a means by which more than the understanding shall be reached, by which the sentiment, the common sentiment, which also belongs to the larger nature, shall be strengthened and developed, by which the counteracting and partial sentiments shall be put in their place, and the will compelled; whereby that common human form, which in its perfection is the object of the human love and reverence shall be scientifically developed; by which the particular form with its diseases shall be artistically disciplined and treated.

It was only on the last occasion that he had ever hinted at a continuance of this intimacy, but she had not forgotten the rash speech. Had the recollections been all upon her own side she might have permitted a partial renewal of the companionship, but she became forbidding at once when Geoffrey ventured to remind her of it. "Yes," she said reflectively.

Such years are in many men's lives marked by the projection, or even by the partial accomplishment, of literary undertakings on a large scale, and more especially of such as partake of an imitative character.

Thompson was pushed by the devil of his rancour to continue reading: "This Case is too well known to require more than a partial summary of particulars"... "Ahem! we will skip the particulars, however partial," said Mr. Thompson. "Ah! what do you mean here, sir, but enough! I think we may be excused your Legal Considerations on such a Case. This is how you employ your law-studies, sir!

And what an advance in our situation it would be if we could get it into our heads here in this land of inalienable rights that the world would turn round just the same if we stood still and waited for the daily coming of our Lord! Is the divorce of Literature and the Stage complete, or is it still only partial?

He then sent Wheeler's cavalry north of the Tennessee, and, aided greatly by the configuration of the ground, held us in a state of partial siege, which serious rains might convert into a complete investment.

He claims the most unreserved liberty of utterance for negative and affirmative on all questions not merely for the purpose of discriminating truth from falsehood, but also to keep up in individual minds the full sense and understanding of the matters controverted, in place of a mere partial and one-sided adhesion.

He married Margaret, daughter to Ross of Balneel, with whom he obtained a considerable estate. She was an able, politic, and high-minded woman, so successful in what she undertook, that the vulgar, no way partial to her husband or her family, imputed her success to necromancy.

Wonder is the child of knowledge of partial and imperfect knowledge, to be sure, but still, of knowledge. The second step is to catalogue similar appearances together. It is a much higher flight to seek the causes of likenesses thus discovered. A few of the chapters of this volume are items in a mere catalogue of wonders, and deserve their place by accurate and eloquent description.

Dowlas has his carpenter's tools, we have each a pocket- knife, and O'Ready an old tin pot, of which he takes the most tender care; in addition to these, we are in possession of a sextant, a compass, a chart, and a metal tea-kettle, everything else that was placed on deck in readiness for the first raft having been lost in the partial submersion of the vessel.