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He and his scheme were referred to me, the Panjandrum being graciously pleased to be unable to make head or tail of it. I may best explain it in its application to a single industry the manufacture and sale of gootles." "What is a gootle?" I asked. "A metal weight for attachment to the tail of a donkey to keep him from braying," was the answer.

Pond appeared to be panjandrum here, and people of all degree were presented to him, as to royalty. Frequent hearing of the man's name in the last few days had suggested nothing to Carlisle, but the moment she caught sight of his keen face with the powerful blue-tinged jaw, she recalled that she had seen Mr. Pond in the Dabney House before now.

"That's a very nice Executioner you have." "Yes; isn't he?" agreed the Court Glover. "Pity he laughs so much, though, it spoils the effect. Well, having done my duty, I must be off. Any message for the Little Panjandrum?" "Oh! can't we go back with you in the balloon?" asked Marjorie, eagerly, for it seemed to her a capital opportunity of getting away from this strange place. "H'm!

All the way we wondered how we should get out, and whether we should ever regain our proper stature. When we came to the grinding place the mill was still. We accosted an old Garuly who was wandering about. "How do we get out?" I said. "Why, by getting the Great Panjandrum Himself to set the thing a-going the other way," he squeaked.

"It was all in vain: the rash spread under the nettles and the swelling grew greater than ever evidently my fairy power refused to work and the Grand Panjandrum was in a fearful rage. "'Fetch the Executioner! he cried, in terrible tones. 'I will see this impostor executed before my eyes! And twenty slaves flew to obey his command.

The Queen declared that I was protected by all that was sacred in their religion, but the Great Panjandrum proved by the cannibal Bible that only cannibals were entitled to its protection. He said they would roast a man, and if I would eat him and pick his bones I might go free. I declined, for I am rather particular about my diet.

All the time we were looking the Great Panjandrum Himself, with his little round button-at-the-top on his head, was turning a crank in the side of the wonderful Pantoscopticon, which had a hopper on the top of it like that of an old-fashioned coffee-mill.

I was much amused, when I first went to Devonport dockyard, to notice the punctilious observance of forms and ceremonies with respect to the various positions of officials from the admiral-superintendent down the official grades of dignity, to the foremen of departments, and so on. I did not care for all this panjandrum of punctiliousness, but was, I hope, civil and chatty with everybody.

Beef that will make you feel like giants, and beer that will cheer the cockles of your hearts; not to mention cheese which will make you wink, and bread with a little round button atop of the loaf like the grand Panjandrum in the old story. Thus Lavinia enthusiastically, as she led her flock of two into the eating-room at luncheon time.

"Then the Great Panjandrum seized an axe and struck at the foot of the tree. Others followed his wicked example and it soon began to totter. They next tied a rope about the trunk of the tree. The plotters were sixteen in number I counted them. They stood in line, tugging at the rope. "Lola-Akwa stood far back awaiting the terrible moment of my death.