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He and his scheme were referred to me, the Panjandrum being graciously pleased to be unable to make head or tail of it. I may best explain it in its application to a single industry the manufacture and sale of gootles." "What is a gootle?" I asked. "A metal weight for attachment to the tail of a donkey to keep him from braying," was the answer.

He proposed that the members of the gootle trust divide their capital and each member go into the business of making gootles for himself I do not mean for his personal use in different parts of the country. But none of them was to sell to consumers, but to other men, who would sell in quantity to still other men, who would sell single gootles for domestic use.

"Of course," the Jumjum continued, "all this would greatly have enhanced the cost of gootles, thereby lessening the sales, thereby reducing the output, thereby throwing a number of workmen out of employment. You see this, do you not, O guest of my country?" "Pray tell me," I said, "what became of the reformer who proposed all this change?" "All this change?

"It is known in this country that a donkey cannot utter a note unless he can lift his tail. Then, as now, gootles were made by a single concern having a great capital invested and an immense plant, and employing an army of workmen. It dealt, as it does to-day, directly with consumers.